书籍 Man, Play and Games的封面

Man, Play and Games

Roger Caillois







According to Roger Caillois, play is "an occasion of pure waste: waste of time, energy, ingenuity, skill, and often of money." In spite of this - or because of it - play constitutes an essential element of human social and spiritual development. In this classic study, Caillois defines play as a free and voluntary activity that occurs in a pure space, isolated and protected from the rest of life. Play is uncertain, since the outcome may not be foreseen, and it is governed by rules that provide a level playing field for all participants. In its most basic form, play consists of finding a response to the opponent's action - or to the play situation - that is free within the limits set by the rules. Caillois qualifies types of games - according to whether competition, chance, simulation, or vertigo (being physically out of control) is dominant - and ways of playing, ranging from the unrestricted improvisation characteristic of children's play to the disciplined pursuit of solutions to gratuitously difficult puzzles. Caillois also examines the means by which games become part of daily life and ultimately contribute to various cultures their most characteristic customs and institutions. Presented here in Meyer Barash's superb English translation, "Man, Play and Games" is a companion volume to Caillois' "Man and the Sacred".

Roger Caillois (1913-78) was a French philosopher and writer. He was a cofounder of France's pathbreaking Collège de Sociologie pour l'Étude du Sacré and the founding editor of Diogenes,. His books included works of anthropology, sociology, psychoanalysis, art, and literary criticism.

Meyer Barash (d. 2005) was a Distinguished Professor of Sociology at Hofstra University and co...


四个分类里一定要搞两个希腊语一个拉丁语一个英语,分完觉得还不行,不完整,再分两类又是一个希腊语一个拉丁语,挺想笑的不是很清楚为什么(在1961年的时代背景下批判1938年的Homo Ludens,但其实基本延伸了前人的核心;对比足见Huizinga无疑是古典的、虔诚的、理想的,从康德席勒游戏冲动延伸下来,又在麦克卢汉那里得到真正的当代延伸(我瞎说的
Ritual and Play. Spring 2012. Richard Schechner.
赫伊津哈不算数,游戏本体论研究从此书开始,值得一读。 双轴分类:态度为padia(嬉戏)到ludus(竞戏/游戏)两端,类型为agon(竞争)、alea(运气)、mimicry(角色扮演)还有个忘记怎么拼的眩晕(知觉刺激的游戏),然后开始疯狂排列组合探讨这些东西的化学作用。 游戏的腐化一章讲了上述几种化学反应在魔圈或说游戏场之外失控的情况,挺有意思。 不太赞同赌钱合理的观点。
huizinga的在一定程度上排除了那些不能建构文化的play(幼儿&动物),他意识到这点所以提出魔法圈的界限必然是模糊的,模糊不意味着不存在,只不过人们可以挑战魔法圈内部的规则(也可以看做对魔法圈的游戏),协商道德,行成文明(再次证明文明也是playful的)。但是caillois强调魔法圈的规则壁垒来防御人类本能的冲动,强调游戏(included pre文明)的功能性立场,几乎把playful抛在一边。这带来的问题就是日常生活和魔力圈的分割(界限壁垒的存在)。当然c更多的关注复杂结构化game,和huizinga很少对play进行定义有区别,只能说都是不同的认知论下对游戏理论的著作。再次感叹,游戏难以定义,只能是近似性的尝试。
free, separate, uncertain, unproductive, governed by rules, make-believe; agon, alea, mimicry, ilinx; paidia, ludus