书籍 Play as Symbol of the World的封面

Play as Symbol of the World

Eugen Fink







Eugen Fink is considered one of the clearest interpreters of phenomenology and was the preferred conversational partner of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. In Play as Symbol of the World, Fink offers an original phenomenology of play as he attempts to understand the world through the experience of play. He affirms the philosophical significance of play, why it is more than idle amusement, and reflects on the movement from "child's play" to "cosmic play." Well-known for its nontechnical, literary style, this skillful translation by Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner invites engagement with Fink's philosophy of play and related writings on sports, festivals, and ancient cult practices.

Eugen Fink (1905–1975) was a student and colleague of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger. Spiel als Weltsymbol was published in 1960. This is the first English translation.

Ian Alexander Moore and Christopher Turner are Ph.D. students in Continental Philosophy at DePaul University. They are translators of Peter Trawny's Freedom to Fail: Heidegger's Anarchy.

Translators’ Introduction
Oasis of Happiness: Thoughts toward an Ontology of Play (1957)
Play as Symbol of the World (1960)
Chapter One: Play as a Philosophical Problem
Chapter Two: The Metaphysical Interpretation of Play

海德格尔和胡塞尔的学生,从赫伊津哈那里继承了大部分想法同时又自己在现象学基础上延伸出去,从尼采的日神酒神二元论去探讨游戏(与游戏玩家)的双重性/分裂性,甚至(不知道有没有受到拉康影响,因为的确没有提到过也跟他毫无关联,但)也提出了游戏的想象界和象征界属性,也类似拉康(imaginaire-imago)把象征界总结为der Schein(外观,图像,表象,Fink也解释为主体把握到的幻象,总之还是imago),游戏既是Sein(存在)又是Nichtsein(虚无),它无法用线性逻辑去囊括,而是“主体存在于被主体把握的幻象之中”,有点拉康“je suis regardé dans le tableau, depuis le tableau”同时“je suis tableau”的意思,读得很舒适