书籍 Flesh and the Ideal的封面

Flesh and the Ideal

Professor Alex Potts







Winckelmann was not just an historian of considerable stature. He was also a very powerful writer who offered an unusually eloquent account of the aesthetic and imaginative charge of the Greek ideal in art. He is particularly revealing as to the political and the homoerotic, sexual content of the fantasies that gave the antique ideal male nude its larger resonance. This book re-examines Winckelmann's canonical status as the so-called father of modern art history, showing how his systematic definitions of style and historical development can cast a new light on present-day understanding of these notions. The complexities of his new historical perspective on the art of antiquity both prefigure and undermine the more strictly historicising views of the Greek ideal put forward in the 19th century. The force of Winckelmann's writing can only be fully understood if it is seen in the context of the distinctive preoccupations and values of Enlightenment culture. It has acquired a new significance, however, as the darker aspect of Enlightenment ideals - such as the fantasy of a completely free sovereign subjectivity associated with Greek art - come more and more to the fore. Winckelmann's writing has a richness and density that take it well beyond the bounds of the simple rationalist art history and Neo-classical art theory with which it is usually associated. He often seems to speak disturbingly directly to our present awareness of the discomforting ideological and psychic contradictions inherent in supposedly ideal symbolic forms.

According to my prof "winner of best book cover ever"
Alex Potts笔下的温克尔曼总会让人想起斯塔罗宾斯基笔下的卢梭。两位作者共同揭示了一个道理:一个概念(无论是温克尔曼的“理想”,还是卢梭的“透明”),越是迫使自身逼近纯粹性的阈限,就越是在结构性的断裂和张力之下摇摇欲坠——甚至可以说,在某种意义上,后者恰恰是前者的构成性要素。这样一种概念为消解矛盾付出了太多力气,反而遗留下了更多无法消解的矛盾。对它来说,道成肉身的刹那即是死刑判决的落定。它注定将已是一种从未丧失过的缺失;它甚至从未出生过,但它早已哀悼着自身的死亡。
Alex Potts将温克尔曼还原于启蒙时代的思想、政治与意识形态的脉络之内,其法可取,并反复申明一点,即温克尔曼认为的艺术之性质:一时代或一文明(如希腊)的艺术,是其整个文化内在价值的视觉体现,故,艺术就是历史。换言之,艺术可超越艺术界的狭隘利益,被取作人类文明、文化与观念的基本史料之一,此思想,乃温克尔曼留给西方的最大遗产。