书籍 A Little History of Literature的封面

A Little History of Literature

John Sutherland







This “little history” takes on a very big subject: the glorious span of literature from Greek myth to graphic novels, from The Epic of Gilgamesh to Harry Potter. John Sutherland is perfectly suited to the task. He has researched, taught, and written on virtually every area of literature, and his infectious passion for books and reading has defined his own life. Now he guides young readers and the grown-ups in their lives on an entertaining journey “through the wardrobe” to a greater awareness of how literature from across the world can transport us and help us to make sense of what it means to be human.

Sutherland introduces great classics in his own irresistible way, enlivening his offerings with humor as well as learning: Beowulf, Shakespeare, Don Quixote, the Romantics, Dickens, Moby Dick, The Waste Land, Woolf, 1984, and dozens of others. He adds to these a less-expected, personal selection of authors and works, including literature usually considered well below "serious attention"—from the rude jests of Anglo-Saxon runes to The Da Vinci Code. With masterful digressions into various themes—censorship, narrative tricks, self-publishing, taste, creativity, and madness—Sutherland demonstrates the full depth and intrigue of reading. For younger readers, he offers a proper introduction to literature, promising to interest as much as instruct. For more experienced readers, he promises just the same.

John Sutherland is Lord Northcliffe Professor Emeritus of Modern English Literature, University College London. He has taught students at every level and is the author or editor of more than 20 books. His popular Lives of the Novelists: A History of Fiction in 294 Lives, published by Yale University Press, has earned widespread acclaim, including one reviewer’s praise as “a ref...


进行了一次大面积的学科基础知识复习。 Norton Anthology点评精精精精精编版。
读完了,太白了,太男了,最后一句话噎死人。不是文学史是大英帝国文学史:)几乎每一页都飘着浓浓的🇬🇧味儿。从这个角度讲还是非常informative,有时也是有趣的,但“文学史”就算了吧,take it for granted的措辞和殖民行为如出一辙。不知道殖民者是否真的能在殖民时代后写出postcolonial的literature。没错,没有真正的后殖民// Reading from the first page.. The chapter on epic is too much .. you could smell an empire // 出作者很爱读,更会写,这本(通俗易懂简单易follow的intro)里提到的书,不管之前放没放到reading list里的,看着就也想去读一读