书籍 Behind The Screen的封面

Behind The Screen

Sarah T. Roberts







Social media on the internet can be a nightmarish place. A primary shield against hateful language, violent videos, and online cruelty uploaded by users is not an algorithm. It is people. Mostly invisible by design, more than 100,000 commercial content moderators evaluate posts on mainstream social media platforms: enforcing internal policies, training artificial intelligence systems, and actively screening and removing offensive material—sometimes thousands of items per day. Sarah T. Roberts, an award-winning social media scholar, offers the first extensive ethnographic study of the commercial content moderation industry. Based on interviews with workers from Silicon Valley to the Philippines, at boutique firms and at major social media companies, she contextualizes this hidden industry and examines the emotional toll it takes on its workers. This revealing investigation of the people “behind the screen” offers insights into not only the reality of our commercial internet but the future of globalized labor in the digital age.

Sarah T. Roberts is assistant professor of information studies in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is a 2018 Carnegie Fellow and a 2018 winner of the EFF Pioneer Award.

How is the right of you to say a shitty thing weigh more than the right of someone not to, like, who gets called "fag" all day on the street, to not come onto an online forum and get called "fag" all over again? Why is your right to say "fag" more valuable than the right of this person to not hear "fag fag fag" all of the time?
19年的这版可以看作著者16年的再版,增加了第五章对世界审核工厂——马尼拉审核员的采访,而这部分内容也在《the online cleaner》纪录片中有所体现。书的主旨很简单,想让隐藏在屏幕背后、深度参与社交网络并成为关键一环的审核员职业公开化。若不公开,公众无法向科技巨头施压,提高审核员的工作处境更无从谈起。商业审核员作为全球化生产链条中的一环,特别是菲律宾为典型,不仅成为后工业社会背景下的福特制的残影,更是西方殖民文化与国家经济建设对冲下的产物。【审核】涉及的面非常广,它有维护公众的一面,以清道夫的身份。它同时也是科技公司的上层意志,审核规则的制订直接影响了公共利益,掌握了社会观念的话语权。但作为最底层的审核员,他们低工资无福利,PTSD心理创伤,签订不对等保密协议,谁又来帮助他们呢?