书籍 The Start-up of You的封面

The Start-up of You

Reid Hoffman







A blueprint for thriving in your job and building a career by applying the lessons of Silicon Valley’s most innovative entrepreneurs.

The career escalator is jammed at every level. Unemployment rates are sky-high. Creative disruption is shaking every industry. Global competition for jobs is fierce. The employer-employee pact is over and traditional job security is a thing of the past.

Here, LinkedIn cofounder and chairman Reid Hoffman and author Ben Casnocha show how to accelerate your career in today’s competitive world. The key is to manage your career as if it were a start-up business : a living, breathing, growing start-up of you .

Why? Start-ups - and the entrepreneurs who run them - are nimble. They invest in themselves. They build their professional networks. They take intelligent risks. They make uncertainty and volatility work to their advantage.

These are the very same skills professionals need to get ahead today.

This book isn’t about cover letters or resumes. Instead, you will learn the best practices of Silicon Valley start-ups, and how to apply these entrepreneurial strategies to your career. Whether you work for a giant multinational corporation, a small local business, or launching your own venture, you need to know how to:

* Adapt your career plans as you change, the people around you change, and industries change.

* Develop a competitive advantage to win the best jobs and opportunities.

* Strengthen your professional network by building powerful alliances and maintaining a diverse mix of relationships. * Find the unique breakout opportunities that massively accelerate career growth.

* Take proactive risks to become more resilient to industry tsunamis.

* Tap your network for information and intelligence that help you make smarter decisions.

A revolutionary new guide to thriving in today's fractured world of work, the strategies in this book will help you survive and thrive and achieve your boldest professional ambitions. The Start-Up of You empowers you to become the CEO of your career and take control of your future.

串连全书的主题是Networking, 不管是方向的选择还是对风险的预测, 如果让自己连接到一个更大的健康运转的网络里都会有很大帮助. 嗯 要通过前方的精英图 关键还是要组队!
处在career的下一个十字路口,是需要一些重新清醒,gather together my head。其实全书就一句话:拓展你的network。要相信,自己现在所有的迷茫和焦虑,都是前人们早已趟过的路,认识他们,然后去问就好了。
从不知变迁的底特律到自我革新的硅谷模型,霍夫曼娓娓道出“永久β”的概念。有的人工作二十年就像一年,而有的人二十年工作却年年不同年年精彩。“永久β”的内核是对个人连续成长进化的终生追求。最好的让幸运的事发生的办法,就是总是确保有许多事正在发生。ABZ规划中,首先强调“学习” -- 研习商业灾难,大多都是无法抵抗即时享受的诱惑,而学习型规划(管理咨询,兼职工作,拥抱不确定性/不确定性风险的背面就是大量的机遇)是价值在于其极高的期权价值(容易从A向B转型)。负向偏见包含三个方面: 1)高估风险;2)低估机遇;3)低估应对威胁并抓住机遇的资源,这是由人类原始时期需要存活而自然选择决定的,但要适应当代,就必须进化。建立一个“有趣人基金”,消除决策和资金压力,维持原来城市的关系基础。要对网络有认知。