书籍 The Hours的封面

The Hours

Michael Cunningham


Picador USA







A daring, deeply affecting third novel by the author of A Home at the End of the World and Flesh and Blood. In The Hours, Michael Cunningham, widely praised as one of the most gifted writers of his generation, draws inventively on the life and work of Virginia Woolf to tell the story of a group of contemporary characters struggling with the conflicting claims of love and inheritance, hope and despair. The narrative of Woolf's last days before her suicide early in World War II counterpoints the fictional stories of Samuel, a famous poet whose life has been shadowed by his talented and troubled mother, and his lifelong friend Clarissa, who strives to forge a balanced and rewarding life in spite of the demands of friends, lovers, and family. Passionate, profound, and deeply moving, this is Cunningham's most remarkable achievement to date.

Michael Cunningham (born November 6, 1952) is an American novelist and screenwriter. He is best known for his 1998 novel The Hours, which won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the PEN/Faulkner Award in 1999. Cunningham is a senior lecturer of creative writing at Yale University.

电影《文科恋曲》里Josh说自己每去一个书店都会找到《The Hours》看一遍后三页 终于可以体会这种魅力
这么美的一本书都要整整一个月才看完真是醉了。 喏,通勤时间太短并不是个100%开心的事儿吧>< 简直从头美哭到结尾。用一天看尽了生活的本身却只是轻笑着继续活下去。真的是美到极致的人生。果真看着就是个剧本的模子,我也终于成为可以读完原著再去补片的人了
原著比电影还depressing个十倍啊fucking hell。
For Heaven only knows why one loves it so, how one sees it so, making it up, building it round one, tumbling it, creating it every moment afresh...
相比中文版,原文更能感受到作者用词的审慎、修辞的考量和语句的节奏,如同Philip Glass的钢琴曲徐徐道来:三股不同的线依次抛出,又渐次收回,再加上一个相对开阔的结尾。一个小时,再一个小时,我们该如何面对这样的一个又一个小时……标题和正文的张力让人战栗。
最初看的是电影改编,看完久久无法自拔。但没想到原著更令人惊喜。真的太喜欢了,意识流与多视角写作手法,细腻精湛的心理描写,超脱现实的象征感与电影分镜般的写作手法交织,就如同在看一部蒙太奇的电影一样。很喜欢作者的笔触,非常细腻而具有透明感 小说展现了三位女性相似却又迥异的命运:她们都为男人的爱所裹挟,在挣扎中反抗与妥协,在此之下作出了不同的选择。 尤为印象深刻的是Laura,在原著中,作者以一种非常巧妙的方式体现出这位家庭主妇的困境,我们得以感受蕴含在字里行间不动声色的窒息感。 除此以外,对生命的探讨也很值得思考。学会直面人生中的琐碎与挣扎,我们才能忍受生命中不尽如人意的时时刻刻,即“看清生活真相后仍然热爱生活”