书籍 The Ink Black Heart的封面

The Ink Black Heart

Robert Galbraith







The latest installment in the highly acclaimed, internationally bestselling Strike series finds Cormoran and Robin ensnared in another winding, wicked case.

When frantic, disheveled Edie Ledwell appears in the office begging to speak to her, private detective Robin Ellacott doesn’t know quite what to make of the situation. The cocreator of a popular cartoon, The Ink Black Heart, Edie is being persecuted by a mysterious online figure who goes by the pseudonym of Anomie. Edie is desperate to uncover Anomie’s true identity.

Robin decides that the agency can’t help with this—and thinks nothing more of it until a few days later, when she reads the shocking news that Edie has been tasered and then murdered in Highgate Cemetery, the location of The Ink Black Heart.

Robin and her business partner, Cormoran Strike, become drawn into the quest to uncover Anomie’s true identity. But with a complex web of online aliases, business interests and family conflicts to navigate, Strike and Robin find themselves embroiled in a case that stretches their powers of deduction to the limits – and which threatens them in new and horrifying ways . . .

A gripping, fiendishly clever mystery, The Ink Black Heart is a true tour-de-force.

Robert Galbraith is a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling, bestselling author of the Harry Potter series and The Casual Vacancy. Rowling’s original intention for writing under Galbraith was for the books to be judged on their own merit, and to establish Galbraith as a well-regarded name in crime in its own right. The Strike Novels have topped the national and international bestseller li...


非常失望。这不是写得好不好的问题了,罗琳完稿回头看看这个谜题和解答,does it make any sense?一个谜题铺垫了整本书,而99%的探案全都导向废线索,最后几页“一些漫不经心的说话”找到关键线索推凶,而这个凶手并不符合先前的侧写,看起来强行得像纯粹政治宣言。中间夹杂大量我一点都不想看的硬汉侦探男主情感线(写得很差),虽然我知道这个系列就是Cormoron Strike,但是罗琳写这样一个现代中年男子真的无法引起我半点共情,建议删了他只留女主算了。感觉这系列最开始想写男女主侦探是灵魂伴侣,但我不知道罗琳有没有意识到,你一旦开始写互相暗恋的戏码,一切就真的难嗑死了。另外,既然把各色网友研究得透透的(这个要表扬),为啥不做做游戏功课。这书中的游戏情节看得流汗😅
罗琳把toxic fandom, online trolls以及twitter wars刻画得太好了,涉及的社会问题覆盖面也非常广(ableism, racism, misogyny, Neo-nazism etc.) 。不是这个系列里案件最好看的一本,但是是内容最relatable的一本
The most elaborate plot in the series so far. My favorite parts of this series have become Robin's character development, which unfortunately wasn't a big focus in this one (Strike's got more attention). Hope to see more of that in the future books