书籍 Learn C the Hard Way的封面

Learn C the Hard Way

Zed A. Shaw







Need to learn C? Now you can! Forget old-fashioned C programming books that assume you're a computer hardware expert and teach frustrating, old-fashioned coding styles. If you know any language at all, Zed A. Shaw's Learn C the Hard Way can help you get started fast with modern C programming. This book/CD package is called "The Hard Way," but it's really quite easy: it just requires discipline, practice, and persistence. Shaw teaches how to write modern, clean, clear C code through dozens of brilliantly-crafted exercises, most on two pages. You simply read each exercise, type in its sample code precisely (no copy-and-paste!), and make the programs run. As you read, type, fix your mistakes, and watch the results, you learn how C works...what good modern C programs look like...how to read, write, and "see" code...how to spot crucial differences that change or break programs...all the essentials of C logic, I/O, variables, and functions...and the attention to detail that is indispensable to successful C programming. At first, yes, it can be difficult. But it gets easier. And Shaw offers plenty of extra help through 5+ full hours of CD-based teaching video. Nothing important comes without discipline, practice, and persistence. But, with this package, if you bring those qualities, you will master C...and you will reap the very real personal and career rewards that go with C programming expertise!

第二本Zed Shaw的书,同样,没有废话,看题学语言。看他的lpthw学会了用nosetest,看这本书则了解到实用的debug macro还有一个自动化测试脚本miniunit。但是这本书明显没写完呀。有些地方有些错漏,估计作者也在忙,写着写着,改了前头忘了后头。
我挺喜欢Zed Shaw的风格的,当然他对每个语言都很opinionated
这本书最大的帮助大概是帮我回顾了C语言几个主要的地方 指针 宏的使用等 以致于C代码也想象中那么恐怖了 学C还是要用Linux啊 体验非常好 这书不太好的地方是觉得前面开始废话有点多 后面讲的又太简略了 后面的内容就大致过了一下