书籍 iOS Drawing的封面

iOS Drawing

Erica Sadun







Covers iOS 7 and Xcode 5

Apple lavished iOS with a rich and evolving library of resolution-independent 2D drawing utilities. Its APIs include powerful features such as transparency, path-based drawing, anti-aliasing, and more. Harness these low-level, lightweight drawing routines in your apps to build images, to create PDFs, to display views, and to print.

In this guide, Erica Sadun, bestselling author of The Core iOS 6 Developer’s Cookbook and The Advanced iOS 6 Developer’s Cookbook, helps readers explore iOS drawing through an abundance of examples alongside plenty of explanations and tips. This short work provides the basic how-to developers need to get started. You will learn about these specific topics:

The basic concepts of Quartz (Core Graphics) and UIKit drawing

The coordinate system, paths, masking, and clipping

Text drawing

Transparency and alpha channels, drawing modes, blending, colors, and spaces

Transforms and geometry

Patterns, shadows, and gradients

Bitmaps and pixels

To access the code samples, visit https://github.com/erica/iOS-Drawing.

可配合这本《Graphics and Animation on iOS》先了解基本概念,再继续阅读此书进一步学习。 另外从里面这两句:1. typedef __attribute__((NSObject)) CGGradientRef GradientObject; 2. @property (nonatomic, strong) GradientObject storedGradient; 能看出作者的Objective-C功力也很深啊。已加入iOS开发进阶套餐!
算是 Quartz 入门了。。