书籍 All Creatures Great and Small的封面

All Creatures Great and Small

James Herriot


Pan Books







The classic multimillion copy bestseller

Delve into the magical, unforgettable world of James Herriot, the world's most beloved veterinarian, and his menagerie of heartwarming, funny, and tragic animal patients.

For over forty years, generations of readers have thrilled to Herriot's marvelous tales, deep love of life, and extraordinary storytelling abilities. For decades, Herriot roamed the remote, beautiful Yorkshire Dales, treating every patient that came his way from smallest to largest, and observing animals and humans alike with his keen, loving eye.

In All Creatures Great and Small, we meet the young Herriot as he takes up his calling and discovers that the realities of veterinary practice in rural Yorkshire are very different from the sterile setting of veterinary school. Some visits are heart-wrenchingly difficult, such as one to an old man in the village whose very ill dog is his only friend and companion, some are lighthearted and fun, such as Herriot's periodic visits to the overfed and pampered Pekinese Tricki Woo who throws parties and has his own stationery, and yet others are inspirational and enlightening, such as Herriot's recollections of poor farmers who will scrape their meager earnings together to be able to get proper care for their working animals. From seeing to his patients in the depths of winter on the remotest homesteads to dealing with uncooperative owners and critically ill animals, Herriot discovers the wondrous variety and never-ending challenges of veterinary practice as his humor, compassion, and love of the animal world shine forth.

James Herriot's memoirs have sold 80 million copies worldwide, and continue to delight and entertain readers of all ages

James Herriot is the pen name of James Alfred Wight, OBE, FRCVS also known as Alf Wight, an English veterinary surgeon and writer. Wight is best known for his semi-autobiographical stories, often referred to collectively as All Creatures Great and Small, a title used in some editions and in film and television adaptations.

In 1939, at the age of 23, he qualified as a veterinary...


开始的时候觉得并不好看。因为奇怪的词汇太晦涩了。后面越来越好看,再如此艰苦,肮脏又平凡的工作中,能够写出一些乐趣。见到形形色色的人,有慷慨的,温柔的善良的也有尖酸吝啬的,但是总体来讲,这个英国小镇的人还是相对淳朴和直接。最后作者能遇到自己的爱情,并且在度蜜月的时候还要继续工作,还是挺有意思和感动。主角的三个人各有特点,师傅siegfried有点倚老卖老,喜欢把错误怪到别人头上,很滑稽又可爱,专业又善良,很多智慧。他弟弟Tristan就很憨憨,什么倒霉事,惹到哥哥的事都能碰到。还有严肃的女会计。他们的爱情也很简单,舞会、电影 聊聊天。感觉很幸福。
哈哈哈被岳父嫌弃太娘的泡泡浴可以上社死热门了吧 真疫情治愈escapism
A healing reading experience
太好看了!而且真的好好笑。感觉作者的幽默感有点像 《天真的人类学家》 和《远东冰原上的猫头鹰 》 ,能够苦中作乐和深深喜爱自己工作,从中获得成就感的人才能写出这样的书啊。好想从helen的角度看她对james的印象,肯定没james自己觉得的这么不堪吧。马上去看电视剧!好想知道谁来演farnon兄弟