书籍 The Bonfire of the Vanities的封面

The Bonfire of the Vanities

Tom Wolfe







Tom Wolfe’s modern American satire tells the story of Sherman McCoy, a Wall Street “Master of the Universe” who has it all — a Park Avenue apartment, a job that brings wealth, power and prestige, a beautiful wife, an even more beautiful mistress.

Suddenly, one wrong turn makes it all go wrong, and Sherman spirals downward in a sudden fall from grace that sucks him into the ravenous heart of a New York City gone mad during the go-go, racially turbulent, socially hilarious 1980s.

本以为沉重无味,想不到居然如此风趣幽默。故事情节如此简单,却依然引人入胜;文笔词汇如此生活,却亦常有神来之笔。不得不说Tom Wolfe功力甚深,可为我辈楷模。
It's a little bit hard to follow the story lines as there are so many characters in it. But once get to it, it is a pleasant read. The story is ironic, but so is life. That said, as a member of the society, our deeds constantly change other people's lives, while we are never the less influenced by the people around us. Butterfly effect.
朗读者:Jo Barrett,四星。Tom Wolfe最初是以狄更斯式的连载来写这本小说的。或许这解释了双方在风格上的相近,即用耸人听闻的情节和larger than life的人物来表现“本质上的真实”。几年后发生的辛普森案恰为注脚。我好奇的是,如果本书放在当前的政治气候下出版,是否还能像80年代那样成功。朗读者将书中种种光怪陆离的场面读得有声有色;他在塑造男主时大概是用汤汉做模板的,但他读南方口音的女主的时候过于造作了。
Tom Wolfe大作,确实有点不必要的长……但给后世留下了一幅80年代纽约众生相还是很有意义,有很多方面意外地和当前相互对照
读这本书的第一个感觉是 bronx就像是法外之地,有自己一套不同的准则,从慈善到法律都如此。第二个感觉是同情男主,做的事情不是十恶不赦的性质,却被拿来消费游街, 最后就算是被法官一审判大陪审团判罚无效,但后来那个法官还成了政治牺牲品,小哥最终也是在劫难逃的样子。一切都是政治决定的啊!
非常好看!入世的朋友,可以作为社会人行为指南阅读,无论选择Fallow, Kramer to McCoy, 每个人生阶段/不同人生境遇,都有一个角色可以代入。我特别喜欢书里对社交切磋的描写,无论多么金光闪闪,社交本质是利益联结,名誉与金钱的交换。曼哈顿的晚餐、Wall Street elites‘ gathering,不过是高配白金瀚聚餐、高配团建。在一场华丽的团建里,你的定位是什么?the old&rich, the intellectual clowns, social X-rays, or lemon tarts?
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