书籍 Memoirs of Hadrian的封面

Memoirs of Hadrian

Marguerite Yourcenar







Both an exploration of character and a reflection on the meaning of history, "Memoirs of Hadrian" has received international acclaim since its first publication in France in 1951. In it, Marguerite Yourcenar reimagines the Emperor Hadrian's arduous boyhood, his triumphs and reversals, and finally, as emperor, his gradual reordering of a war-torn world, writing with the imaginative insight of a great writer of the twentieth century while crafting a prose style as elegant and precise as those of the Latin stylists of Hadrian's own era.

The first woman to be elected to The French Academy, the multi talented personality of Marguerite Yourcenar was a novelist, essayist, playwright, short story writer, poet and translator. She was an artist at reconstructing historical eras in the form of her novels. Her novels, dealing with modern issues set in historical eras won her immense fame as a writer.

The inheritance Yo...


去年读了台译本后来补了英文,行云流水的文字有一种极致的古典美。未来几年的愿望是学好法语去读法语版,不能站在法语的语境去读Yourcenar太可惜啦;想去荒山岛,想在荒山岛用一个冬天读Youcenar | 补充:瞄了一眼法文版,感觉英翻比法文原版确实要稍逊一些。。
First half of the book is so beautiful I had to read it slowly and orally, in the meantime I bought a second copy, the one with me when I am traveling. Back to my hometown on holiday, between banquets in different places, either in the car, or in the chair, I finished it and gave it to my cousin, encouraging her to read it one page per day.
这是我读过的研究最充分的小说。叙事线索与事实紧密相连,充满了一种美学魅力。尤瑟纳通过严谨的研究和强烈的想像力,完全捕捉到了作为罗马皇帝的感觉。 散文优雅和语气庄严。它是那种少有的既成熟又易懂的(艺术)作品之一。 然而,我也确实认为这本书有一些缺陷。就我个人而言,哈德良的生平事迹经常是以总结和概括的方式叙述的;细节往往太少,让读者难以抓住它并进行理解;哈德良的丰功伟绩也讲得很漂亮,但却很少给人在脑海中形成生动的心理画面。 永恒:人类的成就注定要被遗忘,即使是为纪念帝王而建造的巨大石制建筑,也注定在遥远的某天将不复存在。哈德良痛苦地意识到了这一点,并反复谈论。 爱是贪婪的。它不惜一切代价,甚至不惜时间。但人都是凡人,爱无论是因心变还是因死亡都会消失。对哈德良来说,这就是人类生活的终极悲剧。
Eloquent and versified!