书籍 Winter Recipes from the Collective的封面

Winter Recipes from the Collective

Louise Glück







A haunting new book by a poet whose voice speaks of all our lifetimes

The 2020 Nobel Prize winner Louise Glück’s thirteenth book is among her most haunting. Here as in the Wild Iris there is a chorus, but the speakers are entirely human, simultaneously spectral and ancient.

Winter Recipes from the Collective is chamber music, an invitation into that privileged realm small enough for the individual instrument to make itself heard, dolente, its line sustained, carried, and then taken up by the next instrument, spirited, animoso, while at the same time being large enough to contain a whole lifetime, the inconceivable gifts and losses of old age, the little princesses rattling in the back of a car, an abandoned passport, the ingredients of an invigorating winter sandwich, a sister’s death, the joyful presence of the sun, its brightness measured by the darkness it casts.

“Some of you will know what I mean,” the poet says, by which she means, some of you will follow me. Hers is the sustaining presence, the voice containing all our lifetimes, “all the worlds, each more beautiful than the last.” This magnificent book couldn’t have been written by anyone else, nor could it have been written by the poet at any other time in her life. (那颗晴空 摘自 亚马逊美国)

Louise Glück is the author of more than a dozen books of poems and essay collections. Her many awards include the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature, the 2015 National Humanities Medal, the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for The Wild Iris, the 2014 National Book Award for Faithful and Virtuous Night, the 1985 National Book Critics Circle Award for The Triumph of Achilles, the 2001 Bollingen P...


快要笑死我了,这次格吕克开始启灵于东方哲学和艺术来缓解死亡焦虑:八大山人的画,老子的箴言,盆栽的意象。a pine blowing in high wind/ like man in the universe.这是格吕克版的"人是会思想的芦苇";The trees were miniature.../but there is no such thing as death in miniature.倒更像日式物哀;Stars gleaming over the water. /The leaves piled, waiting to be lit.这句绝妙,意思比"镜花水月"还好,但根本就是俳句嘛。但是有些浅显又颇费思量的句子倒确实有禅意机趣。"冬日食谱"就是教人在死亡面前因陋就简,虎口夺食嘛
一边坠落,一边静坐。格丽克如果写童话故事,这里刚好有一个结尾:“This is why we search for love. We search for it all of our lives,even after we find it.”
"And the world goes by, all the worlds, each more beautiful than the last."
关于冬天、爱、回忆、童年、幻想、家庭的半散文半诗歌的书。诗很有意思,很多句子长得如同一个自然段,但还是有诗的随性和韵律。作者是耶鲁文学教授更是让我入坑这位素未谋面,但口中一切都似曾相识的Louise Gluck。此书名 “Winter Recipes” 意为只有在忧郁饥饿的冬天,人们才想着把仅剩的存粮换花样烹饪,试图把苔藓、发芽的根茎食物做得好吃些,从单调匮乏里拼配出愉悦丰富。
寂静,清冷。《野鸢尾》里的静是白日焰火般四周静止,张力拉满,听得见生命寸寸舒展的声音,欲望似乎下一秒就要喷薄。到了这本新作中,静得像火焰渐渐熄灭,像冰棱一点点变长,甚至有几首诗篇能闻到老人院中静滞空气的味道。诗人Wendy Wills的评论写得特别好,充斥着账单、孩子、电邮、新闻、八卦——热烘烘的中年人的头脑,很适合以这本诗集的精准、剔透和空无来冰镇一下,在这epidemic winter, psychological winter, spiritual winter,观望中年世俗生活的狭长隧道尽头是一幅怎样的图景。
冬天 死亡 悲伤
“And yet, more often we were silent, preferring the river over anything we could say.”
I read this because I thought it was Louise Bogan. Very cute design Louise Gluck but nothing close to the blue estuaries. There is no eternity to be found here only imitation