书籍 The Book of Goose的封面

The Book of Goose

Yiyun Li








A magnificent, beguiling tale winding from the postwar rural provinces to Paris, from an English boarding school, to the quiet Pennsylvania home where a woman can live without her past, The Book of Goose is a story of disturbing intimacy and obsession, of exploitation and strength of will, by the celebrated author Yiyun Li.

Fabienne is dead. Her childhood best friend, Agnès, receives the news in America, far from the French countryside where the two girls were raised—the place that Fabienne helped Agnès escape ten years ago. Now, Agnès is free to tell her story.

As children in a war-ravaged, backwater town, they’d built a private world, invisible to everyone but themselves—until Fabienne hatched the plan that would change everything, launching Agnès on an epic trajectory through fame, fortune, and terrible loss.

Yiyun Li is the author of six works of fiction—Must I Go, Where Reasons End, Kinder Than Solitude, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, The Vagrants, and Gold Boy, Emerald Girl—and the memoir Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life. She is the recipient of many awards, including a PEN/Hemingway Award, a PEN/Jean Stein Book Award, a MacArthur Fellowship, and a Windham...


看完有点说不出它好不好,总觉得很多部分都欠了点什么。感觉和很多自己比较喜欢的小说比,这本描绘氛围和环境的篇幅比较少,可能我比较需要这种描绘,不然脑海里没有场景。两少女的故事,前段老让我想到七月与安生😂,还有kate morton的secret keeper,更喜欢后者。
两个姑娘最后的对话好精彩,Fabienne 最后是用怎么样的心情领着Agnès看Jacques ,或者自己的坟墓的呢…Agnès写,明明可以编出他去当兵或是喜欢上别的女孩,让他自杀好残忍。让Fabienne这样的姑娘死于childbirth, 也是好残忍……
是li yiyun的小说里最好读的一本了,这次问出的问题是:what should we do to feel real ?十几岁的时候我也急着去证明一切,证明我们的感情是真的,证明我的能力是真的,证明我画出的未来是真的,十几岁的时候,有一个瞬间,我突然很清醒地意识到,最好的时光结束了。不过这不是真的,后来我也拥有各种意义上的好时光,只是我接受了good time means moments rather than forever
Two people who are constantly seeking experience rarely settle for each other.
“ Revenge is a story that often begins with more promises than the ending can offer.”
开始那些关于水果和切割的比喻让我一头雾水,随着故事渐渐进展,好像也不过就是两个特别小女孩的友谊的cliche,特别是后面agnes独自前往英国,双方书信来往的情节。但从她想办法离开英国开始,我才渐渐看到作者的意图。这时对最开始比喻的call back让我猛然震动,agnes和fabienne相处方式也渐渐明了。我甚至怀疑作者为了这个比喻这个设定才写出这本书,无法从痛苦脱身的只有彼此的两个小女孩。没有永远,没有happily ever after的童话,用尽办法对抗世界,想让自己变得真实。但总有一些不可言说之物,当付诸纸面被他人阅读的时候,人物就无处藏身了。这时只有死亡才是最好的结局,一个在高潮后急转直下的故事,一个没能在最高点完美结尾的复仇,人们只是死了,腐烂了,除此之外没什么特别的了