书籍 Essays的封面


George Orwell







(Book Jacket Status: Jacketed)

A generous and varied selection–the only hardcover edition available–of the literary and political writings of one of the greatest essayists of the twentieth century.

Although best known as the author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-four , George Orwell left an even more lastingly significant achievement in his voluminous essays, which dealt with all the great social, political, and literary questions of the day and exemplified an incisive prose style that is still universally admired. Included among the more than 240 essays in this volume are Orwell’s famous discussion of pacifism, “My Country Right or Left”; his scathingly complicated views on the dirty work of imperialism in “Shooting an Elephant”; and his very firm opinion on how to make “A Nice Cup of Tea.”

In his essays, Orwell elevated political writing to the level of art, and his motivating ideas–his desire for social justice, his belief in universal freedom and equality, and his concern for truth in language–are as enduringly relevant now, a hundred years after his birth, as ever.

George Orwell (1903–1950) served with the Imperial Police in Burma, fought with the Republicans during the Spanish Civil War, and was a member of the Home Guard and a writer for the BBC during World War II. He is the author of many works of nonfiction and fiction. He is best known for his novels 1984 and Animal Farm.

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"Such,Such Were the Joys" - the scars of a 8-year-old who went to a snobbish boarding school are still raw after so many years. This collec
写作态度一种。回忆文字和议论性文字难分轩轾,Inside the Whale、Shooting an Elephant、托尔斯泰论莎士比亚、回忆boarding school生活几篇都很有看头;但或许,对奥威尔而言,本不存在超越时间性的议论,也鲜少有与政治倾向截然二分的文学。读奥威尔,除了可以体会到他自己写作时强烈的“四十年代”感之外,也可以觉察到他本人对其议论对象所属时代的洞察力。站在四十年代回看Roaring Twenties和山雨欲来的三十年代,奥威尔对于同一年代背景下作家群体特质的把握令人击节。