书籍 What Should I Do with My Life?的封面

What Should I Do with My Life?

Po Bronson







In What Should I Do with My Life? Po Bronson tells the inspirational true stories of people who have found the most meaningful answers to that great question. With humor, empathy, and insight, Bronson writes of remarkable individuals—from young to old, from those just starting out to those in a second career—who have overcome fear and confusion to find a larger truth about their lives and, in doing so, have been transformed by the experience. What Should I Do with My Life? struck a powerful, resonant chord on publication, causing a multitude of people to rethink their vocations and priorities and start on the path to finding their true place in the world. For this edition, Bronson has added nine new profiles, to further reflect the range and diversity of those who broke away from the chorus to learn the sound of their own voice.

用了5个月才读完;从一开始的各种嫌弃,到后面慢慢被感动;这不是一本鸡血励志书,它不会告诉你人们多么努力为梦想奋斗最后迎来成功,它记录的,是一个个如你如我的普通人,they suffer, frustrate, hurt, fight,accept,种种之选择,最终成为自己,推荐
switching careers is a modern form of wandering.真是一言驚醒夢中人。
Most people are deemed to be ordinary, but how can we fulfill our life mission and live the life to the fullest? This is the book to start with!
一共50多个真实故事,目前看了9个。发现,并没有一个统一的、可以让人知道自己这辈子应该做什么的故事或者道理。这是因为,每个人的人生历程都不一样。看看别人的故事,只能在别人的故事里面找到自己的影子,并得到一些启发,但那不是我们自己。别人觉得一块黑巧克力好吃,这不意味着我也会觉得好吃。 找到了自己这辈子该做什么的人,都不是单纯追求刺激和快乐的,单纯追求这个brain candy,就常会限于浅尝辄止。而且,即使有什么人真的告诉你这辈子该做啥,人也会反抗这所谓的命运。所以不要等待一个人告诉你这辈子该干啥,而是要自己探索。 找到了自己这辈子该做什么的人,他们全都是追求所做的事情的重要性和成就感的。而且他们在讲这件事时,全都会提及这个事情和自己曾经经历过或者感受过的“life story”强烈相关。
提供了非常多的data points. 结尾的话说的尤其好,成功并不是你取得的结果,而是what it takes to get you here。里这本书最独特的是把视角聚焦在了普通人身上,不是只有大人物的故事才值得书写,普通人的挣扎才能让你意识到自己原来并不是孤独的。希望中国也能有这样的作品出现。
not an xray of chocolates, but a description of how different chocolates taste