书籍 Dear Mr. Henshaw的封面

Dear Mr. Henshaw

Beverly Cleary








Dear Mr. Henshaw, I wish somebody would stop stealing the good stuff out of my lunchbag. I guess I wish a lot of other things, too. I wish someday Dad and Bandit would pull up in front in the rig ... Dad would yell out of the cab, "Come on, Leigh. Hop in and I'll give you a lift to school." Leigh Botts has been author Boyd Henshaw's number one fan ever since he was in second grade. Now in sixth grade, Leigh lives with his mother and is the new kid at school. He's lonely, troubled by the absence of his father, a cross-country trucker, and angry because a mysterious thief steals from his lunchbag. Then Leigh's teacher assigns a letter-writing project. Naturally Leigh chooses to write to Mr. Henshaw, whose surprising answer changes Leigh's life. Winner of the Newbery Medal

An ALA Notable Book

Such a touching story!
好温油好可爱的故事 皮皮又一人分饰多角www
I haven’t forgotten you but there are too many broken promises. 妈妈爱上了一个流浪者,但她不能与他继续生活。
you win some, you lose some. 小男孩写到后面,文笔越来越好。作者真的太用心了。
特别喜欢读人物的成长故事,拙真又坦率的小男孩Leigh的成长同样让我动容。他常常会莽撞地干出傻事来,例如为防止午餐被偷,在上学路上就把午餐给吃掉了,到下午就开始挨饿🤣 最让我感动的事,故事里的大人都没有倚老卖老地“教育”Leigh,他们都用平视的目光注视Leigh,让Leigh在跟他们互动的过程中自己去感悟,去成长。果然啊,人生的路,要寄几走。
听的Pedro Pascal的有声书,挺好的,一个男孩从稚嫩地给作家写信到过渡到假装在日记里给作家写信,语气变得叛逆,到开始独立写日记,记录在学校被同学偷午餐吃,没有朋友,单亲妈妈辛苦地挣钱养家,住在移动拖车里,听到缺失的爸爸的片段总是很难过,永远在路上“爱上卡车”,永远忘了打电话永远下一次再回家,圣诞只会雇一个人来家里给儿子送礼物,还把狗给弄丢了,寄20块钱回家以为就能安抚儿子,男孩害怕披萨男孩会取代自己,每次听到这些都会叹一口气。虽然最后爱流浪的爸和渴望安定的妈也没能和好,但是父亲回家总有个了结,就算父亲多么冷淡不靠谱男孩也把狗狗让给父亲想让狗陪他,真是太体贴了。“我觉得要是我没有出生,妈妈可能还会和爸爸一起坐在卡车上,也许一切都是我的错。”天呐,太难过了。
A splendid and powerful little book even adults can relate: life is a lonely journey of soul searching. The character arc of Leigh reads real. He turns from a boy who also scowls to a mature boy who finds himself in writing. At the end I fear that his divorced parents will start dating, but they don’t. That’s the best part of the story.
这个犹豫了一下是给四星还是五星,最后还是决定给五星。这本书读过中译本和英文原版。读中译本时觉得OK,但读英文原版时真的有些感动。虽然是一本写给Pre-Teen & Teen的少年文学,但做父母的读起来也会颇多感悟。没有噱头,也没有刺激,平实却深刻隽永的成长故事