书籍 Neither Here Nor There的封面

Neither Here Nor There

Bill Bryson







Like many of his generation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies -- in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty years later he decided to retrace the journey he undertook in the halcyon days of his youth. The result is Neither Here Nor There, an affectionate and riotously funny pilgrimage from the frozen wastes of Scandinavia to the chaotic tumult of Istanbul, with stops along the way in Europe's most diverting and historic locales. Like many of his generation, Bill Bryson backpacked across Europe in the early seventies--in search of enlightenment, beer, and women. Twenty years later he decided to retrace the journey he undertook in the halcyon days of his youth. The result is Neither Here Nor There, an affectionate and riotously funny pilgrimage from the frozen wastes of Scandinavia to the chaotic tumult of Istanbul, with stops along the way in Europe's most diverting and historic locales.

上周末在去Wien的West Train上,一边读一边努力遏制自己不要笑出来。或许受Bryson的影响,使得我Wien的感觉少了一些迷信。不过不得不说,his words are really acute.
欧洲各种黑 赞扬起一个地方的时候也会格外温情 但不是喜欢的幽默风格
truly 'transatlantic' humor
@2009-10-26 08:46:09 @2020-02-08 01:39:43
I have never been to Europe, but I have been wanting to go there for about as long as I could remember, certainly since I first saw stunning pictures of boulevard in Paris or the breathtaking view of Swiss countryside.
文风不喜 读到Paris读不下去了 过时的旅行吐槽 信息量太少
@2009-10-26 08:46:09