书籍 The Ten Faces of Innovation的封面

The Ten Faces of Innovation

Tom Kelley







Book Description

Filled with stories of how Kraft, Procter & Gamble, Safeway, and Samsung have incorporated IDEO's thinking to transform the customer experience, The Ten Faces of Innovation is a guide to nurturing and sustaining a culture of continuous innovation and renewal.

From Publishers Weekly

Kelley's latest builds on The Art of Innovation, which celebrated the work culture that distinguishes his high-profile, award-winning industrial design firm, IDEO. This book covers much of the same territory, but focuses on the type of worker and team-building rather than the work environment. The authors define 10 personas, including Anthropologists, who contribute insights by observing human behavior; Experimenters, who try new things; Hurdlers, who surmount obstacles; Collaborators, who bring people together and get things done; and Caregivers, who anticipate and meet customer needs. Like its predecessor, the book is breezy and well written, with plenty of self-promotion. Kelley and Littman weave classic and recent stories of business innovation, such as 3M's Scotch tape, Volvo's three-point seatbelts and Netflix's mail-in DVDs, with IDEO's own success stories with clients ranging from the Boston Beer Company, for whom IDEO designed a new Sam Adams tap handle, to Organ Recovery Systems, for whom IDEO helped develop ways to expedite kidney transport. Aspiring business innovators and fans of The Art of Innovation may find further inspiration in this handbook. (Oct. 18)

Book Dimension

length: (cm)23.8                 width:(cm)15.6

汤姆 凯利,现居硅居,身为企业人士(IDEO)公司总经理,同时著书立说。他在商界享有盛誉,经常应邀演讲,探讨如何利用创新转变企业文化和战略思维,拥有广泛的听众。

乔纳森 利特曼是《花花公子》杂志的自由撰稿人,已有数本专著问世,题材涉及商业、犯罪、体育等领域。

书里从10种不同的职业身份讨论创造力的必需条件。比如在第九章care giver里,新概念:Doorbell Effect 门铃效应,即在按过门铃后,等待开门时的不舒服延迟感。不舒服是因为在等待期没有任何提示或回应,不确定主人是否来开门,甚至不确定门铃是否响了。 这个效应可以广泛用于服务业,比如在餐厅等餐时,通过号码牌的变化可以减少客户等待时的烦躁。汇报一个项目的工作进度时,可以列出已经完成的任务,缓解客户等待结果的催促。包括进度条的设计也得益于此。
Not as excellent as I think. In terms of creativity, there are much better books available.
略目录 公司创新作用的 关键10类人
10 archetypes.