书籍 Things Fall Apart的封面

Things Fall Apart

Chinua, Achebe


Anchor Canada







More than two million copies of Things Fall Apart have been sold in the United States since it was first published here in 1959. Worldwide, there are eight million copies in print in fifty different languages. This is Chinua Achebe's masterpiece and it is often compared to the great Greek tragedies, and currently sells more than one hundred thousand copies a year in the United States.

A simple story of a "strong man" whose life is dominated by fear and anger, Things Fall Apart is written with remarkable economy and subtle irony. Uniquely and richly African, at the same time it reveals Achebe's keen awareness of the human qualities common to men of all times and places.

Chinua Achebe was a novelist, poet, professor at Brown University and critic. He is best known for his first novel, Things Fall Apart (1958), which is the most widely read book in modern African literature.

Raised by Christian parents in the Igbo town of Ogidi in southeastern Nigeria, Achebe excelled at school and won a scholarship for undergraduate studies. He became fascinate...


This book has a crude originality. It brings out the very complexity of an African society at the onset of western colonization.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer; things fall apart; the center cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world, The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowned; The best lack all conviction, while the worst Are full of passionate intensity
"Okonkwo's suicide represents not only his culture's rejection of him, but his rejection of the changes in his people's culture, as he realizes that the Igbo society that he so valued has been forever altered by the Christian missionaries." 尼日利亚,别为我哭泣
With the elegiac collapse of tribal tradition, patriarchy and oppression also fall apart
gorgeous and captivating prose, love the ending - great meta-comment on colonialism. morality & juridical systems of the tribes and the white people, education & religion, gendered labor in which cannot be explained by western, post-agricultural societal rules, deep connections with nature, the melange and naturalization of the supernatural
高二语文课读的书 部落首领的无力感
前半部分还是很不错的,整个情节铺垫得很好。本土童话对Ibo文化的阐释令人印象深刻,丝毫不输古希腊神话的魅力。 后半部呼应和力道都不够,esp.结尾。Chinua Achebe想要表达的7/8读来比海明威的要压抑太多太多。