书籍 Boomerang的封面


Michael Lewis







The tsunami of cheap credit that rolled across the planet between 2002 and 2008 was more than a simple financial phenomenon: it was temptation, offering entire societies the chance to reveal aspects of their characters they could not normally afford to indulge. Icelanders wanted to stop fishing and become investment bankers. The Greeks wanted to turn their country into a pinata stuffed with cash and allow as many citizens as possible to take a whack at it. The Germans wanted to be even more German; the Irish wanted to stop being Irish. Michael Lewis's investigation of bubbles beyond our shores is so brilliantly, sadly hilarious that it leads the American reader to a comfortable complacency: oh, those foolish foreigners. But when he turns a merciless eye on California and Washington, DC, we see that the narrative is a trap baited with humor, and we understand the reckoning that awaits the greatest and greediest of debtor nations.

as funny as his other works. Europeans must be bloody angry about his jokes though
很多部分已经在Vanity Fair看过,但重听此书还是很有乐趣。Lewis的选点和文笔真好,让人欲罢不能啊
2011.11.9 不能说多么有insight, 但是风趣的anecdote,行云流水page turner, 依然是Lewis卖座的关键。
出書速度儼然已成MITSloan MR了…
迅速看完了挺好玩的,但是没有前面几部畅销书那么流畅和舒服,写冰岛的时候感到扑面而来的恶意。整体而言可以给4星,浅浅的读一下也不赖。最在意的是文末那neuroscientist的观点,我们内核还是lizzard,披着mamal社会性和抽象能力外皮而已。另外还觉得我们某种程度上很Irish(不是paint houses那种)。
You’d be surprised that things are still somewhat the same in the US 10 years later.
You can tell a lot about a country by observing how much better they treat themselves than foreigners at the point of entry