书籍 Moneyball的封面


Michael Lewis










Billy Beane, general manager of MLB's Oakland A's and protagonist of Michael Lewis's Moneyball, had a problem: how to win in the Major Leagues with a budget that's smaller than that of nearly every other team. Conventional wisdom long held that big name, highly athletic hitters and young pitchers with rocket arms were the ticket to success. But Beane and his staff, buoyed by massive amounts of carefully interpreted statistical data, believed that wins could be had by more affordable methods such as hitters with high on-base percentage and pitchers who get lots of ground outs. Given this information and a tight budget, Beane defied tradition and his own scouting department to build winning teams of young affordable players and inexpensive castoff veterans.

Lewis was in the room with the A's top management as they spent the summer of 2002 adding and subtracting players and he provides outstanding play-by-play. In the June player draft, Beane acquired nearly every prospect he coveted (few of whom were coveted by other teams) and at the July trading deadline he engaged in a tense battle of nerves to acquire a lefty reliever. Besides being one of the most insider accounts ever written about baseball, Moneyball is populated with fascinating characters. We meet Jeremy Brown, an overweight college catcher who most teams project to be a 15th round draft pick (Beane takes him in the first). Sidearm pitcher Chad Bradford is plucked from the White Sox triple-A club to be a key set-up man and catcher Scott Hatteberg is rebuilt as a first baseman. But the most interesting character is Beane himself. A speedy athletic can't-miss prospect who somehow missed, Beane reinvents himself as a front-office guru, relying on players completely unlike, say, Billy Beane. Lewis, one of the top nonfiction writers of his era (Liar's Poker, The New New Thing), offers highly accessible explanations of baseball stats and his roadmap of Beane's economic approach makes Moneyball an appealing reading experience for business people and sports fans alike.

Chapter 1. The Curse of Talent
Chapter 2. How to Find a Ballplayer
Chapter 3. The Enlightenment
Chapter 4. Field of Ignorance

Michael Lewis在书中加了很多戏剧的成分来吸引人,不然怎么畅销和拍电影呢。但基本上主题思想就是Billy Beane怎么用数据分析的方法,用其他队都看不上的小联赛球员和过气明星来赢得比赛,一副烂牌打出同花顺的效果就是他了。不过Billy在做的其实是一个好的CEO要做到事情——当你手头资源有限,就集中使用在最关键的能力上,什么长相啊身材啊名校学历啊都没有卵用。It's a competitive business, just like the IT industry. 书本身为了戏剧性无效信息有点多,当电子书听正合适。
Search for undervalued ball players the same way undervalued stocks are sought; statistics is the tool;it is fun to see the underdog win.
本书描写的奥克兰A队总经理比利·比恩(Billy Beane)不只是一个点子多多的精明棒球队老板。他还是逆向投资的表率,知道如何采取与众不同的做法取得成果,这当然也是精明投资者赚钱的方法  這是一本將社會科學理論應用於實際棒球場上的一本書,就我個人觀點,他像是一本厚厚的論文,一本經由質化研究進而實證的一本書。
@2012-01-27 16:06:38
终于“书非借不能读”了,明天要被收走了今天赶紧听完最后一章。Scott Brick读得很好,但是这书其实不适合我听,因为不熟悉棒球术语,经常躺着听了十分钟,一直围绕着一个棒球概念,然后实在听不懂了才爬起来查什么意思。虽然这样说了,其实不需要特别懂棒球的那些metrics也能被这个书打动到。首先我最爱看个underdog(失败者,弱者,后来居上者)的故事,尤其是放在体育背景下,Oakland A没钱没资源的棒球队就是典型的underdog。Billy Beane的故事更是有意思,失败的职业棒球手生涯反而深深的影响了他对整个棒球产业的看法,一方面让他总有要证明自己的包袱,另一方面也让他能深刻思考和质疑这个产业的缺陷。作者写的很多细节特别生动,billy beane也是个矛盾的结合体。(写不下了)
很多棒球术语没看懂,但不影响我衷心认同用数学解决体育竞技问题。Yale president Richard Levin, Fed chairman Paul Volcker, Senator George Mitchell, columnist George Will 四人组成的 The Blue Ribbon Panel 没研究清楚球队经费对赛制的扭曲,Billy Bean神奇地给出了完美答案。
前半部分术语有点多,后半部分渐入佳境,trading desk一章个人最佳,afterwords不忘嘲讽一下club的老顽固