书籍 The Cat in the Hat的封面

The Cat in the Hat

Dr. Seuss







In the first book featuring the character (The Cat in the Hat, 1957), the Cat brings a cheerful, exotic and exuberant form of chaos to a household of two young children one rainy day while their mother is out. Bringing with him two creatures appropriately named Thing One and Thing Two, the Cat performs all sorts of wacky tricks to amuse the children, with mixed results. The Cat's antics are vainly opposed by the family pet, who is a sentient and articulate goldfish. The children (Sally and her older brother, who serves as the narrator) ultimately prove exemplary latchkey children, capturing the Things and bringing the Cat under control. He cleans up the house on his way out, disappearing seconds before the mother arrives.

The book has been popular since its publication, and a logo featuring the Cat adorns all Dr. Seuss publications and animated films produced after Cat in the Hat.

Seuss wrote the book because he felt that there should be more entertaining and fun material for beginning readers. From a literary point of view, the book is a feat of skill, since it simultaneously maintains a strict triple meter, keeps to a tiny vocabulary, and tells an entertaining tale. Literary critics occasionally write recreational essays about the work, having fun with issues such as the absence of the mother and the psychological or symbolic characterizations of Cat, Things, and Fish. This book is written in a style common to Dr. Seuss, anapestic tetrameter (see Dr. Seuss's meters).

The Cat in the Hat has also been translated into Latin with the title Cattus Petasatus and into Yiddish with the title "di Kats der Payats".

The story is 1626 words in length and uses a vocabulary of only 236 unique words, of which 54 occur exactly once and 33 twice. Only a single word – another – has three syllables, while 14 have two and the remaining 221 are monosyllabic. The longest words are something and playthings.

The Cat in the Hat has gone on to sell 7.2 million copies in the United States alone (up to 2000), making it the 9th best-selling hardcover children's book of all time.


过去一个月的睡前故事,今天小辣椒强烈要求自己翻书读给妈妈听,什么“妈妈么咯?(妈妈不在家)喵喵(摸头,指戴帽子的猫)啊噗啊噗啊噗(手指天花板,说的是up up up,指戴帽子的猫举着东西爬高高),鱼no no no,no喵喵(鱼不要爬高高,要喵喵走),all bump!all down!(东西都摔下来啦)啊呀呀呀(嫌弃脸)!”讲得手舞足蹈绘声绘色。到后半部分有一页,字多画少,她有点发懵,谁知她稍稍停顿一下,就很自得地把书举到嘴边,吧唧亲了一口,若无其事地翻到下一页继续讲了起来。这么看来,相比于她的记忆里和表达能力,最让我震惊的大概是她做presentation时候临场发挥的能力了
几乎每一个美国小孩子都是读着Dr. Seuss的书长大的
I love Dr.Seuss' book very much.That's so fun to sing and dance.
回想并代入了下自己,处在小朋友阶段的我应该是不会喜欢反复翻阅这本的。有时机是一定要做这样的调查的,除乐趣外,小朋友到底能从本书中得到一些什么?读书时脑袋里总反复想象并且思考两件事,第一,该怎么回答小朋友提出这样的问题——“为什么这只讨厌的破坏狂猫猫会平白出现在我家中?” 。二则是,fish狂喊“no, I don’t like it”时总会代入桃总的“I don’t wike it.”的声音。
有想象力 有韵律感