This classic collection of stories by Dr. Seuss includes "The Sneetches," "The Zax," "Too Many Daves," and "What Was I Scared Of?" Beloved by generations, these four wildly whimsical tales touch on moral issues, and while they can be read for sheer pleasure, they are also ideal for sparking conversations about tolerance, the need for compromise, and fear of the unknown. Perfect for young Seuss fans, this is a book that can be enjoyed by the whole family on many different levels.
苏斯博士(1904-1991),本名西奥多·苏斯·盖泽尔(Theodor Seuss Geisel),是美国人最引以为傲的儿童文学作家之一。在白宫发布的美国文化“梦之队”中,他的名字与《夏洛的网》的作者E.B.怀特以及《草原小屋》的作者怀尔德并列。同时,苏斯博士还是一位高妙的画家,他会亲自为自己的书绘制漂亮的插图。那些由他自己撰文并绘制插图的作品都以“苏斯博士”(Dr.Seuss)来署名,比如《穿袜子的狐狸》、《绿鸡蛋和火腿》 、《霍顿孵蛋》、《乌龟耶尔特及其他故事》等。而由他本人撰文、别人插图的作品则用Theo Lesieg(Lesieg是 Geisel 的倒写)和罗塞塔·斯通(Rosetta Stone)来署名,例如《头顶十个苹果》(The Apples up on Top)《小虫打喷嚏》 (When the Little Bug Went Ka...