书籍 Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life的封面

Dear Friend, from My Life I Write to You in Your Life

Yiyun Li


Random House







In her first memoir, award-winning novelist Yiyun Li offers a journey of recovery through literature: a letter from a writer to like-minded readers.

(From Amazon)

Yiyun Li is the author of four works of fiction: Kinder Than Solitude, A Thousand Years of Good Prayers, The Vagrants, and Gold Boy, Emerald Girl. A native of Beijing and a graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, she is the recipient of many awards, including a PEN/Hemingway Award and a MacArthur Foundation fellowship, and was named by The New Yorker as one of the “20 Under 40”...


2019年夏天就在图书馆借了这本书,这几天又拿起来发现当时也认真读完了前三章;后来那时的我有一天读完几页后觉得它实在太令人心碎了,不适合那个夏天读;而今年的夏天它却成了一种温柔的安慰 - 我觉得和她讲的“reading other writers' journal and letters was a comfort”是一样的。我并不中意她的小说,但是她的essay都让我爱不释手。 | To speak is to blunder but I venture. - 这一篇从2017年酷寒的冬天在New Yorker上惊喜地读到就一直没忘掉。
这好像是一本语言大于内容的书,起码对我来说。很多时候我一边觉得挺好听,另一边觉得那些语言文字的真正意思其实完全lost on me,好像水面上平滑漂亮的石头,踩着可以轻盈飘浮地走过去,但其实完全是浮在表面的,既没有理解,也没有真正体会(当然我觉得这和我是一个什么样的读者更有关,而不是她是一个什么样的作者)。奇异的是我还是一直听下来了,还记得一些细细碎碎的具象的细节,这种阅读体验跟我听其他的书完全不同。
Can one live without what one cannot have—the question appeared repeatedly in my journal. To say no was to give in; to say yes was surrender, too, though masked as bravado. (25) 這是全書在我讀來最犀利也最坦誠的一句剖白。若為這本書換一個名字——「Between Two Surrenders」。
带着重重枷锁的语言,被越来越粗暴的使用,让人没法有安全感翻开创伤记忆。我们这代人,我们的上一代,上上一代,无论多善于自我否认,无论离politics多远,无论生活在天朝的哪个位置,创伤都以它的各种表现形式存在于过去和现在。我们越来越不谈论的很多事情,不是因为不重要,反而因为重要到被外界和自己重重审查,只能一再回避。以此为题又总存在一种表演性。从冷静真诚理性这个角度来说,Li是个蛮勇敢的作者。 这种类型的写作其实蛮复古的,沉思录,忏悔录……甚至前人在各个话题上都有过更精彩和深刻的见解。但在如今时代,确实稀缺。比起暴露自己,隐藏自己是更现代更聪明也更懦弱的写作方式。虽然写作班的narrative skills 被辨认出来总会让人产生被manipulate 的疑虑,可见忘机之难
I don’t know it’s me or what… but I don’t find this book relatable at all // Now I begin to appreciate the “To Speak is to Blunder but I Venture” chapter
2023.3.29 8.11
Private, precise and heartbreaking. She’s been too harsh on herself but who am I to judge?