书籍 Tell Me Your Dreams的封面

Tell Me Your Dreams

Sidney Sheldon


Warner Vision







"Someone was following her. She had read about stalkers, but they belonged in a different, faraway world. She had no idea who it could be, who would want to harm her. She was trying desperately not to panic, but lately her sleep had been filled with nightmares, and she had awakened each morning with a feeling of impending doom."

Thus begins Sidney Sheldon's haunting new novel, Tell Me Your Dreams. When a series of brutal murders is committed, the police suspect three beautiful young women. An arrest is made and what follows is one of the most bizarre murder trials of the century. Based on actual events, Tell Me Your Dreams races at a feverish pace from London to Rome to Quebec to San Francisco, and builds to a shocking climax that will leave the listener stunned.

This suspenseful follow-up to Sheldon's most recent bestseller, The Best Laid Plans (ten weeks on the New York Times bestseller list), is rich with tension and heart-stopping action. Laced with the kinds of plot twists and turns that his fans love, Tell Me Your Dreams is an entertaining and gripping story.

to forgive,to release.(but how)
#英语阅读 No.16 tell me your dream.十二个小时才读完,整体比较好读,中间的的情绪调动不错,但是剧情有点缓慢。后面故事谜底一点一点揭露的时候,会比较让人能一口气读完。
好读,看到无罪释放那块真的无语住了,和看到If tomorrow comes女主被释放出狱的时候一样无语😿结尾我感觉是Toni去杀爹了,而且非常希望是这样
西德尼.希尔顿在我国有名是因为假若明天来临“If Tomorrow Comes”。当年被称作黄色小说并拥有一部同名引进并在中央电视台播放的电视连续剧。 这几年,颇有一些人推崇他的作品作为英语阅读的入门材料,很多人试图读完他的全部作品,大概 10 本左右通俗小说。 现在来看,其作用也大概如此了吧。我们的文化市场早过了连口水故事都没有的年代了。 这部作品文学性谈不上,故事还是有点意思,感兴趣的可以再看看《24 个比利》,我目前对这个话题完全不能理解但有点好奇。
Sheldon 刻画人物是很有一套的 但是侦探故事硬伤很明显 很多剧情可以被猜到 并且法庭部分的设计以及MPD的治疗不够专业 不够高明(不知道是不是旧时代的关系) 最后选择原谅我也是不理解 不应该报警抓人吗?毕竟自己女儿都下的了手 对继女下手不是很有可能吗?最后评价一下几位男性:总体来说都很渣,比较意外的是警官的渣,稍微有点不敢相信(毕竟对老婆很好,这个转变的铺垫不太够); 但也有好的。David夫妻俩真的是惺惺相惜,同进退,很祝福他们,让我想到了我们与恶的距离的律师和他太太。Gilbert医生虽然医术一般,但是职业操守好,是个正人君子。有点可惜的是Richard, 似乎是没有强迫,但是被无差别攻击了。最后作者给的数据很用心,增加了故事的合理性