书籍 Advice to a Young Scientist的封面

Advice to a Young Scientist

P. B. Medawar


Basic Books










Advice to a young scientist by Peter Medawar (Basic Books). The titan of 20th century molecular medicine gives well-meaning and funny (in the British sense) advice on (from the chapter headings): How do I tell if I am cut out to be a scientific research worker? - What shall I do research on? - How can I equip myself to be a scientist or a better one? - Women in science - Aspects of scientific life and manners - Of younger and older scientists - Presentations - Experiment and discovery - Prizes and rewards - The scientific process. Some details of the 25-year old book feel out of date now but it still is an excellent companion up to your first faculty position. See the following quote: "A novice must stick it out until he discovers whether the rewards and compensations of the scientific life are for him comensurate with the disappointments and the toil; but if once a scientist experiences the exhilaration of discovery [...] then he is hooked, and no other kind of life will do."

“Any scientist of any age who wants to make important discoveries must study important problems. Dull or piffling problems yield dull or piffling answers. It is not enough that a problem should be 'interesting', almost any problem is interesting if it is studied in sufficient depth.” 现实中大部分人还是在做dirty, shallow work啊。
Never dismayed or depressed by the subtlety of nature, the secret recesses of truth, the obscurity of things, the difficulty of experiment, the implication of causes and the infirmity of man's discerning power, being men no longer excited, either out of desire or hope to penetrate farther.
适合基础自然科学家 不大适合CS和数学
Find an important question, then make it soluble with concentration and preservation.
读PhD前一周第一次读 纪念一下 明年再读一次会不会理解更多