书籍 The Gates of Europe的封面

The Gates of Europe

Serhii Plokhy


Basic Books







This definitive history of Ukraine is “an exemplary account of Europe’s least-known large country.” (Wall Street Journal)

As Ukraine is embroiled in an ongoing struggle with Russia to preserve its territorial integrity and political independence, celebrated historian Serhii Plokhy explains that today’s crisis is a case of history repeating itself: the Ukrainian conflict is only the latest in a long history of turmoil over Ukraine’s sovereignty. Situated between Central Europe, Russia, and the Middle East, Ukraine has been shaped by empires that exploited the nation as a strategic gateway between East and West—from the Romans and Ottomans to the Third Reich and the Soviet Union. In The Gates of Europe, Plokhy examines Ukraine’s search for its identity through the lives of major Ukrainian historical figures, from its heroes to its conquerors.

This revised edition includes new material that brings this definitive history up to the present. As Ukraine once again finds itself at the center of global attention, Plokhy brings its history to vivid life as he connects the nation’s past with its present and future.

Serhii Plokhy is the Mykhailo Hrushevsky Professor of Ukrainian History at Harvard and the director of the university’s Ukrainian Research Institute. The author of numerous books, including the award-winning The Last Empire, for which he received the Lionel Gelber Prize, and Chernobyl, the recipient of the Baillie Gifford Prize, Plokhy lives in Burlington, Massachusetts.

大国环伺下乌克兰民族缔造过程的筚路蓝缕和辛酸血泪:横跨欧亚的地理位置 混杂东西的宗教派别 都是双刃剑
Historically, the shock of war, the humiliation of defeat, and the open wound of lost territories have served as potent instruments for building national solidarity and forging a strong national identity.
买了快一年都没翻开来过……直到俄乌冲突开始。大国环伺,夹缝生存,buffer state命运多舛。欧洲粮仓也好,欧洲子宫也罢,无论谁执政,喜剧演员or寡头总统,倒霉的都是普通民众。前苏联解体,乌克兰家底最厚,一手好牌打得稀烂。
Audio过了一遍,历史写作脱离不了意识形态立场,作者鲜明的liberal perspective看到最后多少有点疲倦了