书籍 The Alchemy of Finance的封面

The Alchemy of Finance

George Soros










Book Description

New chapter by Soros on the secrets to his success along with a new Preface and Introduction. New Foreword by renowned economist Paul Volcker "An extraordinary ... inside look into the decision-making process of the most successful money manager of our time. Fantastic." - "The Wall Street Journal". George Soros is unquestionably one of the most powerful and profitable investors in the world today. Dubbed by "BusinessWeek" as "the Man who Moves Markets," Soros made a fortune competing with the British pound and remains active today in the global financial community. Now, in this special edition of the classic investment book, "The Alchemy of Finance", Soros presents a theoretical and practical account of current financial trends and a new paradigm by which to understand the financial market today. This edition's expanded and revised Introduction details Soros's innovative investment practices along with his views of the world and world order. He also describes a new paradigm for the "theory of reflexivity" which underlies his unique investment strategies. Filled with expert advice and valuable business lessons, "The Alchemy of Finance" reveals the timeless principles of an investing legend. This special edition will feature a new chapter by Soros on the secrets of his success and a new Foreword by the Honorable Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. George Soros (New York, NY) is President of Soros Fund Management and Chief Investment Advisor to Quantum Fund N.V., a GTB 12 billion international investment fund. Besides his numerous ventures in finance, Soros is also extremely active in the worlds of education, culture, and economic aid and development through his Open Society Fund and the Soros Foundation.

Book Dimension

length: (cm)22.8                 width:(cm)15.4


没上大学以前看的 没看懂 以后要再看
为什么首页里写道 To Susan: without whom this book would have been ready much sooner,我英语有那么差么?
极少有人会自称Soros的门徒,他的投资方式需要无限循环的trial and error,没有超人的智力和精力无法支撑。 除了reflexivity之外,关于87' market crash和European disintegration的论述也值得一看,其他部分写得过于晦涩了。
when psychological theory should explain the psychological processes of psychologists…
必须要说索罗斯在real time experiment部分的note充分体现了一线投机者应有的状态,面对不确定的未来,跟随市场动态修正自己的理解。对国际经济和金融体系的理解运用反身性理论来跟踪Reagen’s imperial cycle的发展,虽然受限于实际交易的复杂显得零乱,但这也充分说明了交易的复杂性,远非任何理论可以概括,所以老师说直觉是很可以依赖的。去年物理诺贝尔得主研究的复杂系统,有人希望可以用来研究经济体系,我觉得可能远不如直觉或者简单的反身性理论来得靠谱。