书籍 Towards a New Architecture的封面

Towards a New Architecture

Le Corbusier







For the Swiss-born architect and city planner Le Corbusier (Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, 1887–1965), architecture constituted a noble art, an exalted calling in which the architect combined plastic invention, intellectual speculation, and higher mathematics to go beyond mere utilitarian needs, beyond "style," to achieve a pure creation of the spirit which established "emotional relationships by means of raw materials."

The first major exposition of his ideas appeared in Vers une Architecture (1923), a compilation of articles originally written by Le Corbusier for his own avant-garde magazine, L'Esprit Nouveau. The present volume is an unabridged English translation of the 13th French edition of that historic manifesto, in which Le Corbusier expounded his technical and aesthetic theories, views on industry, economics, relation of form to function, the "mass-production spirit," and much else. A principal prophet of the "modern" movement in architecture, and a near-legendary figure of the "International School," he designed some of the twentieth century's most memorable buildings: Chapel at Ronchamp; Swiss dormitory at the Cité Universitaire, Paris; Unité d'Habitation, Marseilles; and many more.

Le Corbusier brought great passion and intelligence to these essays, which present his ideas in a concise, pithy style, studded with epigrammatic, often provocative, observations: "American engineers overwhelm with their calculations our expiring architecture." "Architecture is stifled by custom. It is the only profession in which progress is not considered necessary." "A cathedral is not very beautiful . . ." and "Rome is the damnation of the half-educated. To send architectural students to Rome is to cripple them for life."

Profusely illustrated with over 200 line drawings and photographs of his own works and other structures he considered important, Towards a New Architecture is indispensable reading for architects, city planners, and cultural historians―but will intrigue anyone fascinated by the wide-ranging ideas, unvarnished opinions, and innovative theories of one of this century's master builders.

勒·柯布西耶(Le Corbusier,1887.10.6-1965-8-27),20世纪最著名的建筑大师、城市规划家和作家。是现代建筑运动的激进分子和主将,被称为“现代建筑的旗手”。他和瓦尔特·格罗皮乌斯(Walter Gropius )、路德维格·密斯·凡·德·罗(Ludwig Mies van der Rohe,原名Maria Ludwig Michael)、赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)并称为“现代建筑派或国际形式建筑派的主要代表”。

Modernist architecture's flagship text; btw, when you become the boss, you would be able to write in such a discursive, fractured and repetitive style without being penalized by painful grad students and perhaps some common readers that tried to grasp your idea.
"To those who, absorbed now in the problem of" machine for living ", stated that" architecture is service ", we replied:" The architecture is emotion. " And we were accused of "poet" with disdain
这次再读是好奇他的理论提炼过程 观察的方式 和对传统的萃取 即使他没有全部透露出来 再看看莱特真的浅薄了好多
Man damn crazy; I’m so wrong for thinking that Japan is where minimalism starts; wonder whether his aesthetics influences Soviet Union 筒子楼