书籍 The Wisdom of Life的封面

The Wisdom of Life

Arthur Schopenhauer







In this essay from Schopenhauer final work, "Parerga und Paralipomena" (1851), the philosopher favors individual strength of will and independent, reasoned deliberation over the tendency to act on irrational impulses. He examines the ways in which life can be arranged to derive the highest degree of pleasure and success.

叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer,1788—1860)是德国著名哲学家,唯意志主义和现代悲观主义创始人。1788年2月22日诞生在但泽(今波兰格旦斯克)一个异常显赫的富商家庭,自称“性格遗传自父亲,而智慧遗传自母亲”。他一生未婚,没有子女,以狗为伴。叔本华家产万贯,但不得志,一直过着隐居的生活。25岁发表了认识论的名篇《论充足理性原则的四重根》。30岁完成了主要著作《作为意欲和表象的世界》,首版发行500本,绝大部分放在仓库里。53岁出版《伦理学的两个根本问题》。62岁完成《附录和补遗》,印数750本,没有稿费。65岁时《附录和补遗》使沉寂多年的权本华成名,他在一首诗中写道:“此刻的我站在路的尽头,老迈的头颅无力承受月桂花环。”1860年9月21日在法兰克福病逝。

打印的是T. Bailey Saunders 的译本。不足百页却被我勾画得体无完肤。不知道是译者的功力深厚还是叔本华作品本身的魅力,我觉得字字珠玑且相当诙谐有趣。比如,一开头处的这句话,“Aristotle divides...1,...2,...3... Keeping nothing of this division but the number,I observe that... 哈哈哈。P14 “ ...the pleasure depends principally upon the man himself. ... ‘ to enjoy one’s self’ we are employing a very striking and appropriate phrase.” 哈哈
Interesting. 通俗易懂;而我,大概就是这本书最典型的受众:精神不正常的偏执狂。
【Honor 章节未消化,1年后可再读。待写长笔记】独身隐居者,毒舌,轻蔑世间蠢货与俗事,消极看待人性却又积极地欲以内心的充盈来抵抗。心疼他,定是未被爱过才会道出冰冷的智慧,纵然聪慧如此,却是相当地无生活情趣。超级想看叔本华舌战林语堂与黑格尔…八卦下,送给贾乃亮一句话:If he condones the offense, his fellowmen cry shame upon him, but the shame in this case is not nearly so foul as that of the woman who has lost her honor!
“There are two natural divisions of the subject—the honor of women and the honor of men, in either side issuing in a well-understood esprit de corps. The former is by far the more important of the two, because the most essential feature in woman’s life is her relation to man.” 叔本华怕是有直男癌吧🙄
I know Schopenhauer is a misogynist but I am still very surprised when coming across those biased assumptions. Still I guess I would rate this work five star and highly recommend it three or four years ago. After all, some insights still apply to current-day situation
Interesting 知识分子都是觉得燕雀安知鸿鹄之志不能与共 女性抱团对待婚姻和贞洁那段有意思 地铁上一个月才看完
"the happiest destiny on earth is to have the rare gift of a rich individuality, and, more especially, to be possessed of a good endowment of intellect" 这本还是蛮好读的,我经常读着扑哧笑出来... 前几章比较好看,后来讲honour有些拖沓,也有一些现在看来不够进步的观点。
“what a lot of things I don’t need.”