书籍 Consuming the Romantic Utopia的封面

Consuming the Romantic Utopia

Eva Illouz







To what extent are our most romantic moments determined by the portrayal of love in film and on TV? Is a walk on a moonlit beach a moment of perfect romance or simply a simulation of the familiar ideal seen again and again on billboards and movie screens? In her unique study of American love in the twentieth century, Eva Illouz unravels the mass of images that define our ideas of love and romance, revealing that the experience of 'true' love is deeply embedded in the experience of consumer capitalism. Illouz studies how individual conceptions of love overlap with the world of cliches and images she calls the 'Romantic Utopia'. This utopia lives in the collective imagination of the nation and is built on images that unite amorous and economic activities in the rituals of dating, lovemaking, and marriage. Since the early 1900s, advertisers have tied the purchase of beauty products, sports cars, diet drinks, and snack foods to success in love and happiness. Illouz reveals that, ultimately, every cliche of romance - from an intimate dinner to a dozen red roses - is constructed by advertising and media images that preach a democratic ethos of consumption: material goods and happiness are available to all. Engaging and witty, Illouz's study begins with readings of ads, songs, films, and other public representations of romance and concludes with individual interviews in order to analyze the ways in which mass messages are internalized. Combining extensive historical research, interviews, and postmodern social theory, Illouz brings an impressive scholarship to her fascinating portrait of love in America.

Eva Illouz teaches sociology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She is the Academic Director of the Program of Cultural Studies as well as a member of The Center for the Study of Rationality

Introduction to the Sociology of Love
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CH7. 提供了研究的新思路。
爱需要实践(practice)//“约会”反映出优先感官刺激,重复追求愉悦体验。然而情感的多重性(emotional plurality)和爱的实验性(experimentation)反而让人愈发怀疑爱的本质//消费文化为爱的符号性展演提供了框架。矛盾之处在于中产阶级在演绎并非由自己写作的浪漫剧本,于是“more cultural capital lead to greater cultural alienation”//心理治疗成为中产的解药,回归对感觉经验的解构及理性化,回归市场的逻辑//ps 是否可以进一步把plurality延伸到其他领域。公域和私域选择的过分丰裕,那么人最后如何决策?
应该是伊娃的博论改写了,爱的社会学,好有雄心~感动于她每本书都是献给她老公——她最好的朋友,包揽了写书过程中照顾孩子和全部家务。虽然结论的三点不出意料,但分析稳扎稳打很有洞见。最震惊的一句是the greater cultural capital the greater cultural alienation. Indeed.