书籍 Stoicism的封面


John Sellars







One of the most popular of the Hellenistic schools of philosophy in antiquity, Stoicism flourished for some five hundred years and has remained a constant presence throughout the history of Western philosophy. Its doctrines appealed to people from all strata of ancient society-from the slave Epictetus to the emperor Marcus Aurelius. This book provides a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this great philosophical school. It gives an overview of the history of the school, covers its philosophy as a system, and explores the three main branches of Stoic theory. John Sellars includes historical information on the life and works of the ancient Stoic philosophers and summaries, analyses, and appraisals of their principal doctrines in logic, physics, and ethics. He also includes a fascinating account of the Stoic legacy from later antiquity to the present. The volume includes a glossary and chronology, which, together with its accessible yet authoritative approach, makes it the ideal choice for students, scholars, and general readers interested in what Stoicism has meant, both philosophically and historically, for western civilization.

很不錯的Stoicism著作,語言通俗(相對來說)並且兼具學術性,篇幅也不是很大,非常適合入門。另外查了一下,本書作者John Sellars 好像是modern Stoicism的主要創始人之一。
很不喜欢最后一章,啰里八嗦,但又非常诡异地告诉我们hellenistic philosophy曾有怎样的影响力...
非常清晰的入门册子,作者用相较而言不那么累赘的语言解释了斯多葛的哲学体系,涉及认识论、逻辑、物理、伦理、遗产。最不感兴趣的其实是宇宙论的部分,因为实在对世界观建构不感兴趣,但是这个部分其实是非常重要的,只能说以后需要了再补上吧。读的比较顺利的则是伦理学的部分,其次是认识论和逻辑。遗产则只看了结论,毕竟我对哲学传统不怎么感兴趣。伦理学的收获在于斯多葛做的工作其实就是确定哪些和我们的幸福真正相关,哪些是inherently good,哪些则是externals,只有inherently good才能帮助我们做出真正带来幸福的判断,而过度追求外在则让我陷入混乱情绪中,做出错误的选择,与其他学派对话的地方则是对外在的态度,这区分了逍遥、怀疑派的不同立场。目前认识还很浅,可能还需要再读点吧。