书籍 A Greek Roman Empire的封面

A Greek Roman Empire

Fergus Millar







In the first half of the fifth century, the Latin-speaking part of the Roman Empire suffered vast losses of territory to barbarian invaders. But in the Greek-speaking half of the Eastern Mediterranean, with its capital at Constantinople, there was a stable and successful system, using Latin as its official language, but communicating with its subjects in Greek. This book takes an inside look at how this system worked in the long reign of the pious Christian Emperor Theodosius II (408-50), and analyzes its largely successful defense of its frontiers, its internal coherence, and its relations with its subjects, with a flow of demands and suggestions traveling up the hierarchy to the Emperor, and a long series of laws, often set out in elaborately self-justificatory detail, addressed by the Emperor, through his officials, to the people. Above all, this book focuses on the Imperial mission to promote the unity of the Church, the State's involvement in intensely-debated doctrinal questions, and the calling by the Emperor of two major Church Councils at Ephesus, in 431 and 449. Between the Law codes and the acts of the Church Councils, the material illustrating the working of government and the involvement of State and church, is incomparably richer, more detailed, and more vivid than for any previous period.

毫无疑问的五星,迄今能读到关于五世纪前半叶帝国研究中最佳,从入门到研究者都能有不少收获的作品。六次讲座讨论了语言、政教关系、军事安全、城市复苏、法律体系、政治运作过程与模式等等此期最为复杂的问题,毫不隐讳指出研究可能的局限和各种史料存在的问题,是Millar往帝国晚期转型以来作出的最佳作品。附录介绍了古代史研究中常年被忽视的大公会议记录,很有意思。在我心中,Fergus Millar一直是独一档的古代史学者,甚至Peter Brown都让我觉得不如Fergus Millar。如果非要找一位有可能达到Millar水准的学者,恐怕只有John Ma【等他那本罗马时代的希腊城市出来我们再看】?这本Sather超乎意料,是近年少有关于帝国政治史的Sather,非常值得一读。