书籍 The Taste of Place的封面

The Taste of Place

Amy B Trubek







How and why do we think about food, taste it, and cook it? While much has been written about the concept of terroir as it relates to wine, in this vibrant, personal book, Amy Trubek, a pioneering voice in the new culinary revolution, expands the concept of terroir beyond wine and into cuisine and culture more broadly. Bringing together lively stories of people farming, cooking, and eating, she focuses on a series of examples ranging from shagbark hickory nuts in Wisconsin and maple syrup in Vermont to wines from northern California. She explains how the complex concepts of terroir and gout de terroir are instrumental to France's food and wine culture and then explores the multifaceted connections between taste and place in both cuisine and agriculture in the United States. How can we reclaim the taste of place, and what can it mean for us in a country where, on average, any food has traveled at least fifteen hundred miles from farm to table? Written for anyone interested in food, this book shows how the taste of place matters now, and how it can mediate between our local desires and our global reality to define and challenge American food practices.

Amy B. Trubek is Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at the University of Vermont and previously taught at New England Culinary Institute. She is the author of Haute Cuisine: How the French Invented the Culinary Profession and of numerous articles that have appeared in The Boston Globe, Gastronomica, and other publications.

List of Illustrations
1. Place Matters

将Terroir这一观念在food studies里发扬光大的重要著作。作者是食物科技出身,所以全文从理论方面来看并不厚重,而是一个个田野故事组成。前两章对terroir本身的定义争论很有趣,但是后面就变成了不明就里的美国有机农业故事,本来以为会烂尾,但是没想到只有9面的结论让全文满血复活。法国的terroir概念确实令人心生向往,却也是桎梏着他们在nostalgia中无法逃脱向前看的牢笼。Terroir不是全球化商品文化里的价码,而是一种phenomenology,一种在任何地方都可以生成的人与土地的联系,一种反抗食物工厂化的universality。当我们开始有机农业,开始思考我们与土地在全球化现代社会中的关系,属于这片土地的terroir也就开始不知不觉地生根了。