书籍 There There的封面

There There

Tommy Orange







"We all came to the powwow for different reasons. The messy, dangling threads of our lives got pulled into a braid--tied to the back of everything we'd been doing all along to get us here. There will be death and playing dead, there will be screams and unbearable silences, forever-silences, and a kind of time-travel, at the moment the gunshots start, when we look around and see ourselves as we are, in our regalia, and something in our blood will recoil then boil hot enough to burn through time and place and memory. We'll go back to where we came from, when we were people running from bullets at the end of that old world. The tragedy of it all will be unspeakable, that we've been fighting for decades to be recognized as a present-tense people, modern and relevant, only to die in the grass wearing feathers."

Jacquie Red Feather is newly sober and trying to make it back to the family she left behind in shame in Oakland. Dene Oxendene is pulling his life together after his uncle's death and has come to work the powwow and to honor his uncle's memory. Edwin Black has come to find his true father. Thomas Frank has come to drum the Grand Entry. Opal Viola Victoria Bear Shield has come to watch her nephew Orvil Red Feather; Orvil has taught himself Indian dance through YouTube videos, and he has come to the Big Oakland Powwow to dance in public for the very first time. Tony Loneman is a young Native American boy whose future seems destined to be as bleak as his past, and he has come to the Powwow with darker intentions--intentions that will destroy the lives of everyone in his path.

作者说话太绕了,还喜欢用第二人称。人物多且杂。读到最后我都忘了之前这个人做过什么。一个说话绕的例子:But then he sees people run and stumble and drop and scream and generally lose their shit because soon , very soon , after what he at first thought must have been something else and not gunfire became in his mind and before his eyes definite gunfire.
政治意义比文学意义重要,让人们开始关注美国Native Indian的生存状况。小说人物情节设计过于刻意,节奏到中后部有些拖沓,虎头蛇尾。
終於讀完了啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!那個there there的概念真是又感動又心酸又深刻又希望 太好了
关于美国印第安人的历史,有许多的电影电视和文学作品,可是那些都立足于百年前或者更早。对于这个种族的近现代状况,我一无所知。这部小说恰好弥补了这个空白。沉重、哀伤、无望,他们背负着深重的历史枷锁、浸透骨髓的屈辱和愤怒,在这片被坑蒙拐骗以致血腥掠夺而失去的土地上挣扎。Nothing makes sense but still they have no choice but to try to make some sense.
(广图041)毫不奇怪我看的这本英版封面上最显眼的地方写着“A Thunderclap” - Marion James了。这就是一简配易读版”A brief history of seven killings” 啊。 Urban Indians, 以前完全不了解的人群,但读来和所有美国社会边缘人群的故事似乎差别不大。文字上很有种rap感,也是为什么Marion James会喜欢吧;但刚读完Middlemarch读这本就觉得,当代小说就,还差点火候?//书中吐槽几次说当代Indians被迫用颜色来当作自己的姓,读完我一看封面,作者叫 Tommy Orange, 就突然很难过。