书籍 The Bullet Journal Method的封面

The Bullet Journal Method

Ryder Carroll








The long-awaited first book by the founder of the enormously popular Bullet Journal® organizational system.

For years Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, online and off, but none of them fit the way his mind worked. Out of sheer necessity, he developed a method called the Bullet Journal that helped him become consistently focused and effective. When he started sharing his system with friends who faced similar challenges, it went viral. Just a few years later, to his astonishment, Bullet Journaling is a global movement.

The Bullet Journal Method is about much more than organizing your notes and to-do lists. It's about what Carroll calls "intentional living": weeding out distractions and focusing your time and energy in pursuit of what's truly meaningful, in both your work and your personal life. It's about spending more time with what you care about, by working on fewer things. His new book shows you how to...

* Track the past: Using nothing more than a pen and paper, create a clear and comprehensive record of your thoughts.

* Order the present: Find daily calm by tackling your to-do list in a more mindful, systematic, and productive way.

* Design the future: Transform your vague curiosities into meaningful goals, and then break those goals into manageable action steps that lead to big change.

Carroll wrote this book for frustrated list-makers, overwhelmed multitaskers, and creatives who need some structure. Whether you've used a Bullet Journal for years or have never seen one before, The Bullet Journal Method will help you go from passenger to pilot of your own life.

Ryder Carroll is a digital product designer and inventor of the Bullet Journal. He's had the privilege of working with companies like Adidas, American Express, Cisco, IBM, Macy's, and HP. He's been featured by the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Fast Company, Bloomberg, Lifehacker, and Mashable.

I've been using planners for decades and heard of BuJo for years, even so, the book still has a lot to offer. It's not just about how to jotting things down organizly, but also about a way of viewing life. What changed me the most about planner is that it could be emotional and reflective. What's even more profounding is the chapter talks about WHY
BuJo是好几年前我在一次internet rabbit hole里偶遇的,那时候BuJo的网站给我留下的印象颇为惊艳:手写字体搭配背景浅色点阵,parallax+手写/高亮动画效果用来解释bullets和collection的基础应用,几屏下来就将基本功能和理念介绍得清清楚楚、明明白白。这几年BuJo火遍了全球各地(中文版在英文版后仅仅几个月就迅速推出也可窥见其受欢迎程度),但随手一搜见到的却多是更为艺术甚至花哨的应用,不知作者是否在“遍地开花”的欣喜之余,也感受到了一种失控的恐慌。这次本书的设计风格和我当时看到的网站UI一脉相承,这种怀旧、归于本真的设计,不知是否是作者正本清源的一个尝试呢?
bullet journal说简单也简单,说难也难,这书里讲得好复杂,好deep,但是故事讲太多,essence就那么点,没必要写这多。但是还是学到了一些东西,准备加到自己的日程本里。日程本,手帐,日记,随手记,名字不重要。