书籍 Who Gets What — and Why的封面

Who Gets What — and Why

Alvin E. Roth










A Nobel laureate reveals the often surprising rules that govern a vast array of activities — both mundane and life-changing — in which money may play little or no role.

If you’ve ever sought a job or hired someone, applied to college or guided your child into a good kindergarten, asked someone out on a date or been asked out, you’ve participated in a kind of market. Most of the study of economics deals with commodity markets, where the price of a good connects sellers and buyers. But what about other kinds of “goods,” like a spot in the Yale freshman class or a position at Google? This is the territory of matching markets, where “sellers” and “buyers” must choose each other, and price isn’t the only factor determining who gets what.

Alvin E. Roth is one of the world’s leading experts on matching markets. He has even designed several of them, including the exchange that places medical students in residencies and the system that increases the number of kidney transplants by better matching donors to patients. In Who Gets What — And Why, Roth reveals the matching markets hidden around us and shows how to recognize a good match and make smarter, more confident decisions.

牛逼闪闪的书果然在豆瓣都没有五星……智商啊 XD
讲Market design 的书,很多有意思的例子,比如auction,school matching,kidney,稍微有点啰嗦但是好看的书。
之前学凸优化的时候,不明白为什么收敛性这么重要,现在慢慢意识到了,通过迭代慢慢收敛的算法,才是有『指望』的算法(除非目的本身就是不确定),书中提到的延迟接受算法(deferred acceptance algorithm)就是很好的例子,最终达到资源的最佳平衡
marketplace design, matching, game theory
market design, matching
Inspired the way I wanna go.
就是这本过于通俗的书 让我以为matching theory很简单 连master的research proposal都写的是这个 我在答辩时流的眼泪都是以为自己读懂了roth时脑子里进的水
Market Design
game theory; market design: thickness, congestion, safety and simplicity. the concept of signaling mechanism applied to dating is fascinating. the deferred acceptance algorithms allow more trust in the system to express true intents. Trust is at the core of a clearinghouse mechanism as otherwise, the two sides can just get around without it