书籍 The Scarlet Letter的封面

The Scarlet Letter

Nathaniel Hawthorne








The Scarlet Letter, published in 1850, is an American romance novel written by Nathaniel Hawthorne; it is generally considered to be his masterpiece. Set in Puritan New England in the 17th century, the novel tells the story of Hester Prynne, who gives birth after committing adultery, refuses to name the father, and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout, Hawthorne explores the issues of grace, legalism, and guilt.

Publisher Comments:

Hailed by Henry James as "the finest piece of imaginative writing yet put forth in the country," Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter reaches to our nation's historical and moral roots for the material of great tragedy. Set in an early New England colony, the novel shows the terrible impact a single, passionate act has on the lives of three members of the community: the defiant Hester Prynne; the fiery, tortured Reverend Dimmesdale; and the obsessed, vengeful Chillingworth.

With The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne became the first American novelist to forge from our Puritan heritage a universal classic, a masterful exploration of humanity's unending struggle with sin, guilt and pride.

From AudioFile

In the early days of Puritan Boston Hester Prynne braves the stigma of adultery by wearing the embroidered scarlet "A" on her clothing. Hill's reading captures the story's pathos and gives the reader empathy for the characters while clarifying Hawthorne's views. Hill distinctly portrays each character and reads the narration clearly and swiftly. The pace conveys a sense of urgency and breathlessness. After hearing this novel, readers will understand why it continues to be a classic. P.A.J.


霍桑曾在作品中多次声明,他写的不是小说,而是“罗曼史”。用我们今天惯用的文学术语来说,就是他写的不是现实主义小说而是浪漫主义小说。我们姑且不去争论这样分类的概括性与各自的定义,但无论如何,现实主义强调的是客观描绘,浪漫主义则侧重于主观抒发。在霍桑看来,创作“罗曼史” 时,也就更可以随心所欲地自由发挥作者的想象力,而不必拘泥于现实。他这样做了,而且取得了成功,不愧是美国文学史上浪漫主义小说的开...


看到最后真的是非常感动了,悠长的结局,荡漾在海上。恍如潮汐一般,在世间阵阵回荡,“A! The Letter A!” As a legend. But not an infamy.
the darkness of Hawthorne。霍桑的黑暗使在这黑暗中不停前进的黎明显得更加明亮。
大二的时候我居然觉得这本书难看,真是怀疑自己当时的审美。一年后的现在看真的喜欢的不得了,这种心理描写和分析的小说,是我的最爱!霍桑的原罪论和书中贯穿的supernatural force,都是神秘主义的经典标志。
断断续续读了三四个月,剧情并不复杂(与其说不复杂,不如说很简单,放到现代网络小说寥寥数语就能讲完)然作者花费了大量笔墨描写人物心理,语言今天读来也略显艰深,最喜欢倒数第二章丁梅斯代尔荡气回肠的自白 ps.读的辽宁人民出版社
The spot never grew callous 心理独白很深刻