书籍 Peter Pan的封面

Peter Pan

J.M. Barrie







Considered a masterpiece since its first appearance on stage in 1904, Peter Pan is J. M. Barrie's most famous work and the greatest of all children's stories. While it is a wonderful fantasy for the young, Peter Pan, particularly in the novel form Barrie published in 1911, says something important to all of us. Here "the boy who wouldn't grow up" and his adventures with Wendy and the lost boys in the Neverland evoke a deep emotional response as they give form to our feelings about parents, boys and girls, the unknown, freedom, and responsibility. Humorous, satiric, filled with suspenseful cliff-hangers and bittersweet truths, Peter Pan works an indisputable magic on readers of all ages, making it a true classic of imaginative literature.

“Barrie wrote his fantasy of childhood, added another figure to our enduring literature, and thereby undoubtedly made one of the boldest bids for immortality of any writer. . . . It is a masterpiece.”—J. B. Priestley

Sir James Mathew Barrie was born on May 9, 1860, at Kirriemuir in Scotland, the ninth of ten children of a weaver. When Barrie was six, his older brother David died in a skating accident. Barrie then became his mother’s chief comforter, while David remained in her memory a boy of thirteen who would never grow up. Barrie received his M.A. degree from the University of Edinburgh ...


读到70弃了 童书读不下去这个梗何时能解?
sad."Because they are no longer gay and innocent and heartless. It is only the gay and innocent and heartless who can fly"
We too have been there; we can still hear the sound of the surf, though we shall land no more.
1. 彼得潘一方面厌恶母亲(Orestes complex),另一方面又渴望母亲(Oedipus complex),那么他眼中的母亲形象表现为孩子的身体+成人的心理,以及对过去的遗忘,导致彼得潘在心灵上(无法留存爱)和身体上(Neverland的魔法)都无法长大。 2. Mrs. Darling, Wendy, Jane, Margret 这一些列女儿到母亲的身份迭代,都是从innonence到maturity的成长(perserphone) 3. 父亲计较生活、自怨自艾(计算养育孩子的金钱成本;限制看护狗Nana活动,后又钻进狗笼生活),但这正是男性的养家糊口的压力的体现 4.精灵诞生于人类的信仰,海盗的体面(good form),印第安人(redskin),鳄鱼肚子里的钟
audio book,Jim Dale
@2020-11-27 21:00:01
Child abuse.