书籍 A Midsummer Night's Dream的封面

A Midsummer Night's Dream

William Shakespeare








Book Description

Magic, love spells, and an enchanted wood provide the materials for one of Shakespeare’s most delightful comedies. When four young lovers, fleeing the Athenian law and their own mismatched rivalries, take to the forest of Athens, their lives become entangled with a feud between the King and Queen of the Fairies. Some Athenian tradesmen, rehearsing a play for the forthcoming wedding of Duke Theseus and his bride, Hippolyta, unintentionally add to the hilarity. The result is a marvelous mix-up of desire and enchantment, merriment and farce, all touched by Shakespeare’s inimitable vision of the intriguing relationship between art and life, dreams and the waking world.

Each Edition Includes:

? Comprehensive explanatory notes

? Vivid introductions and the most up-to-date scholarship

? Clear, modernized spelling and punctuation, enabling contemporary readers to understand the Elizabethan English

? Completely updated, detailed bibliographies and performance histories

? An interpretive essay on film adaptations of the play, along with an extensive filmography

From the Publisher

An exciting new edition of the complete works of Shakespeare with these features: Illustrated with photographs from New York Shakespeare Festival productions, vivid readable readable introductions for each play by noted scholar David Bevington, a lively personal foreword by Joseph Papp, an insightful essay on the play in performance, modern spelling and pronunciation, up-to-date annotated bibliographies, and convenient listing of key passages.

Book Dimension :

length: (cm)17.6                 width:(cm)11

Introduction A Midsummer Night's Dream on Stage A Midsummer Night's Dream on Screen The Playhouse A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAMDate and Text Textual Notes Shakespeare's SourcesFurther Reading Memorable Lines
封面简直经典!太喜欢戏剧里那一幕了!爱情固然荒谬但也傻而可爱,好吧虽然这部剧的价值观总是被小伙伴们批判。总之算是入手莎翁的第一部作品呢 Chris
"Think but this, and all is mended" - So think of this, that our life is but a comedy, and imagination would amend it.
Take pains, be perfect.
Four plots intertwined but clear-cut. Love juice symbolizes irrational force such as love. Helena, willing to make a heaven of hell and remaining sober-minded when wooed by Lysander and Demetrius, is my favourite character.
The lunatic, the lover, and the poet Are of imagination all compact.
用这部《仲夏夜之梦》送别这个夏天。读过莎翁原文才真正get到文学泰斗的力量,虽然很多凹来凹去的词序和重音,大佬为了格律节奏也蛮拼的。 一场婚礼,四对恋人,一瓶神奇药水,一个搞怪精灵,一个驴头纺织工,一段林间奇遇记,一台逗乐戏中戏,仙王精灵穿梭在人间和仙境,吃瓜看戏乐此不疲,一下子爱得神魂颠倒,一下子甩也甩不掉,爱情来去匆匆就像暴风雨"The course of true love never did run smooth." Yet "Lord, what fools these mortals be! " 读完去看了NTLive19年的录制版,对调了Oberon和Tiania的戏份,删去了少量被时代淘汰的台词,加入了很多现代性解读和舞台设计,Bottom跨越百年依旧笑点担当全场最佳。
for never anything can be amiss, when simpleness and duty tender it; Joy, gentle friends! Joy and fresh days of love accompany your hearts! 美丽的语言和意境为后人留下了无数的精神源泉(萌得耳松的曲子和维多利亚时期的画作,也许是一种if you pardon, we will mend的一种方式?);a butt joke;明暗的场景一对比很绵密;查资料的时候发现了性暗示。。看来还是自己太纯洁了,Willy要骚起来真的不是一般的骚;牢记,这是一场梦啊,要什么有什么