书籍 YOLO juliet的封面

YOLO juliet

William Shakespeare







"Romeo and Juliet, " one of the greatest love stories ever told . . . in texts

Imagine: What if those star-crossed lovers Romeo and Juliet had smartphones A classic is reborn in this fun and funny adaptation of one of Shakespeare s most famous plays

Two families at war.

A boy and a girl in love.

A secret marriage gone oh-so-wrong.

and h8. The classics just got a whole lot more interesting. )

tl dr A Shakespeare play told through its characters texting with emojis, checking in at certain locations, and updating their relationship statuses. The perfect gift for hip theater lovers and teens.

A glossary and cast of characters are included for those who need it. For example: tl dr means too long didn t read."

BRETT WRIGHT holds a BFA in creative writing and works full-time as a children’s book editor in New York City. In college, he studied Shakespearean tragedy, which was sadly lacking in emoticons. His greatest love affair has been with pizza.

WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. He was an English poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest...


恐怕是所有Shakespeare made easy里面最esay的,用短信和posts这种accessible形式向millennial generation讲这个经典故事,不仅有故事的脉络还有一些青少年才明白的短信礼仪,比如缩写,emoticon和caps的意思。比较有意思的是里面上岁数的人,Lady Capulet和Friar Laurence都把text当成letter写,也是非常真实了。