书籍 The Real Thing的封面

The Real Thing

Tom Stoppard


Faber & Faber







The play begins with Max and Charlotte, a couple whose marriage seems about to rupture. But nothing one sees on a stage is the real thing, and some things are less real than others. Charlotte is an actress who has been appearing in a play about marriage by her husband, Henry. Max, her leading man, is also married to an actress, Annie. Both marriages are at the point of rupture because Henry and Annie have fallen in love. But is it the real thing? In "The Real Thing," Tom Stoppard combines his characteristically brilliant wordplay and wit with flashes of insight that illuminate the nature--and the mystery--of love, creating a multi-toned play that challenges the mind while searching out the innermost secrets of the heart.

Stoppard is the greatest English playwright since Shakespeare. when he has a point to get across, he makes you laugh instead of wince.
I must admit I did not thoroughly enjoy it, but the play was clever (like most of Stoppard’s works) and well-plotted. Beautiful lines from time to time: ‘I believe in mess, tears, pain, self-abasement, loss of self-respect, nakedness’ ‘Only two kinds of presence in the world. There’s you and there’s them.’
假假真真 Revised reprint in 2010
"Carnal knowledge. It’s what lovers trust each other with. Knowledge of each other, not of the flesh but through the flesh, knowledge of self, the real him, the real her, in extremis, the mask slipped from the face."
“Persuasive nonsense”
找了半天资源,没找到电子书,只有广播剧,塞手机里打开app,发现自己上次听广播剧听的就是这个,而且是铁叔主演,都可以毫无印象。。二刷,听力难度高了点,大概也就听懂六七成,感觉大约摸能领会精神。。Tom Stoppard 到底逼格还是挺高的,除了因为我作为一个连普通恋爱都没有精力的人无法理解婚外恋所以无法对主线共情之外,对话本身还是能让人感受到精神滋润的,刻薄讽刺也恰到好处没让人烦。。角色都是戏剧圈人,有大量戏剧引用,我只听出miss julie就已经很亲切了,然后意识到其实已经不记得miss julie讲了啥,只记得当时看得挺爽,嗯仍然幻想着能在三百岁生日那天翻开瑞典语版。。