书籍 4 3 2 1的封面

4 3 2 1

Paul Auster


Faber & Faber







On March 3, 1947, in the maternity ward of Beth Israel Hospital in Newark, New Jersey, Archibald Isaac Ferguson, the one and only child of Rose and Stanley Ferguson, is born. From that single beginning, Ferguson’s life will take four simultaneous and independent fictional paths. Four Fergusons made of the same genetic material, four boys who are the same boy, will go on to lead four parallel and entirely different lives. Family fortunes diverge. Loves and friendships and intellectual passions contrast. Chapter by chapter, the rotating narratives evolve into an elaborate dance of inner worlds enfolded within the outer forces of history as, one by one, the intimate plot of each Ferguson’s story rushes on across the tumultuous and fractured terrain of mid twentieth-century America. A boy grows up—again and again and again.

我对这本书最大的意见是作者觉得好笑的笑话一点都不好笑;主角写出来的书被夸得天花乱坠,其实根本都是套用前人的点子;说主角是清新脱俗、反主流的independent thinker,其实根本品味和思想都很主流,还隔三岔五地能找到soul mate;说主角混迹于 social outcast 的圈子里,其实全书并没有提到几个社会边缘人。概念不算新,但是总算是很有发挥空间的故事架构,结果作者写出了一堆知识分子自嗨的 cliché,而且还特别 dick-centric。
4 3 2 1, 原来是for three to one, 是三合一这么理解的,读到最后才知道书的原委。看原版书都是机缘巧合,可能是开头部分的细腻情感,或者是操蛋情节,让我继续啃完这本书。真的是断断续续,什么书也不看(强迫症),看了快半年,终于看完了这本800多页的英文原版书!!里面最难的就是历史政治事件,还有各种文学电影细节,只能半蒙半猜,了解大致情节,总体还是好看的,每个人生都不一样!我其实非常不擅长看长篇,特别要是人物多,名字长的话,真的记不住,这本书前三章我是按顺序看的,还做了笔记,但后来因为看书有间隔+实在记不住,我就开始一个个人生看了。这样看更简单更容易融入吧,不过有时候作者也是蛮啰嗦的——2019.5.28
gosh! 真不至于这么长哦
An elephant of book, good but not enough, too many memories from the author.
2019.02.03 P30 这书看得有点吃力。
writers have the magical privilege to walk on the path not taken. 4,3,2,1, as each path closes, he is utterly alone again. The living and the dead are one.