书籍 Robots and Empire的封面

Robots and Empire

Isaac Asimov









Isaac Asmiov's classic novel about the decline and fall of Solaria. Gladia Delmarre's homeworld, the Spacer planet Solaria, has been abandoned - by its human population. Countless robots remain there. And when traders from Settler worlds attempt to salvage them, the robots of Solaria turn to killing...in defiance of the Three Laws of Robotics. Pax Robotica Long ago, Gladia's robots Daneel and Giskard played a vital role in opening the worlds beyond the Solar system to Settlers from Earth. Now the conscience-stricken robots are faced with an even greater challenge. Either the sacred Three Laws of Robotics are in ruins - or a new, superior Law must be established to bring peace to the galaxy. With Madam Gladia and D.G. Baley - the captain of the Settler traders and a descendant of the robots' friend Elijah Baley - Daneel and Giskard travel to the robot stronghold of Solaria...where they uncover a sinister Spacer plot to destroy Earth itself.

0th Law
You could not mean more to me, Daneel, if you were a man. ---Elijah Baley
How shall we measure age? In elapsed years since birth?
一如既往的好看,最精彩的部分莫过于Gladia在settler world的演讲。可惜看这一本的时候中间有些许的间隔,导致剧情接不上(大概是几本里看得最不认真的一本吧)。或许要休息一阵再来看Asimov了。
Oh, memories. 一个short-lived地球人让银河真正的开始欣欣向荣。
Worth enduring the previous three novels. Engrossing and mind-blowing.