书籍 Loserthink的封面


Scott Adams









No matter how smart or well-informed you are, you're probably trapped in a mental prison without knowing it. Scott Adams, the world-famous creator of Dilbert and New York Times bestselling author of Win Bigly, teaches us how to recognize and avoid the "loserthink" that prevents us from seeing outside our own bubbles of reality.

Even the smartest and most educated among us can slip into "loserthink," since we haven't been exposed to the best thinking practices in every discipline. Psychologists, engineers, scientists, entrepreneurs, historians, and artists, for example, all see the world through different filters. If we don't understand the basics of those filters, we're likely to fall into loserthink.

Some signs you've succumbed to loserthink include: inability to get your ego out of your decisions, thinking with words instead of reasons, failing to imagine alternative explanations, trusting your preferred news sources, and making too much of coincidences. And with the never-ending stream of urgent notifications on your phone and anger on your social media feeds, it's easy to feel miserable, defensive, anxious, poor, and sick.

But Adams offers a cure for loserthink by teaching you the most productive thinking practices from a variety of disciplines. In this book, you will learn how to...

* Recognize the walls of your own mental prison and break out.

* Understand the world in a way you have never seen it before.

* Be among the most perceptive and respected thinkers in every conversation.

Your bubble of reality doesn't have to be a prison. This book will show you how to break free.

Scott Adams is the creator of Dilbert, one of the most popular comic strips of all time. He has been a full-time cartoonist since 1995, after 16 years as a technology worker for companies like Crocker National Bank and Pacific Bell. His many bestsellers include The Dilbert Principle, Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook, How To Fail At Almost Everything And Still Win Big, a...


废话挺多,跳着看的话还行,有些点还是有点儿意思的,明显能看到作者在自己的专业领域里话会变多,经常拿美国政治举例,有时候看得我很懵逼。 里面有些话特适合回复伞兵,建议背诵。
凑合看。跟win bigly重复性有点高。
总觉得有点诡辩的意味,就是如果你不同意我你就是个loserthinker那种。关于climate change说不能从过去推未来,以及专家们没有统一意见,这就有点不可知论了。关于trump的部分,跟中文互联网上的理中客同一个套路,我直接跳过了。但是还是有一些take away, 比如不要假设别人是怎么想的,要看别人是怎么做的,也就是所谓的论迹不论心。对未来秉持乐观,世界上有一大堆聪明人在想办法解决我们已经发现的各种问题,大概率能解决或至少改善。还有要在事物中找到积极的点,每次有消极想法(complain)的时候都强迫自己找到这个事情里面的哪怕是微不足道的积极因素(这一条亲测有效)。当然还有一些普世价值,比如健康永远排在工作前面,在健身房和加班中间,永远尽可能选健身房。
你我皆凡人,都时不时会有loserthink,都有we don’t know what we don’t know。