3.5 have you ever felt life was stuck/not as planned or never being able to plan? part I was how being diagnosed w leukemia at 23 has done to the author's life. part II life didnt start right away when she was discharged from the hospital so a healing road trip to meet people who left comments on her column (+1 inmate) and new people: van dwellers.
if by all unfortunate I got a deadly disease, I’d rather get a puppy and stay away from getting poisoned by modern medicine. she’s a good writer and her sharing all about the journey won all my respect.
作者的书写非常行云流水,偶尔会给我过度刨光的感觉。她大学毕业后正在畅想未来无限可能时,确诊了癌症。接下来三年多的时间大都在病房里度过。当她体内癌细胞都被杀死后,她却不知道该如何做为一个健康人而存活。患病期间,她时时刻刻都在经历solitarily confinement, isolation and loneliness 。她与男友的关系演化成病患与看护的关系,因病造成的极大索求最终超出了男友的承受力。男友的离去让她感到愤怒和背叛。出院后她尝试如何独立生活,如何从患病的创伤中恢复,如何重建自己的身份。最终接受了她大概要一直处于生病和健康两个国度之间的状态,home is the in-between place。生而为人,学会接受是终生要面对的课题。