书籍 Love, Theoretically的封面

Love, Theoretically

Ali Hazelwood








The many lives of theoretical physicist Elsie Hannaway have finally caught up with her. By day, she’s an adjunct professor, toiling away at grading labs and teaching thermodynamics in the hopes of landing tenure. By other day, Elsie makes up for her non-existent paycheck by offering her services as a fake girlfriend, tapping into her expertly honed people-pleasing skills to embody whichever version of herself the client needs.

Honestly, it’s a pretty sweet gig—until her carefully constructed Elsie-verse comes crashing down. Because Jack Smith, the annoyingly attractive and arrogant older brother of her favorite client, turns out to be the cold-hearted experimental physicist who ruined her mentor’s career and undermined the reputation of theorists everywhere. And he’s the same Jack Smith who rules over the physics department at MIT, standing right between Elsie and her dream job.

Elsie is prepared for an all-out war of scholarly sabotage but…those long, penetrating looks? Not having to be anything other than her true self when she’s with him? Will falling into an experimentalist’s orbit finally tempt her to put her most guarded theories on love into practice?

看过the love hypothesis觉得还不错 看到出新书想why not,当我听到女主物理理论phd毕业半年还是兼职讲师的时候还是僵了一下...然后almost out of instinct迅速找了一下ali hazelwood的profile然后在wiki上看到她职业爱情写文三丰收松了口气………………
看完简中《真爱假说》,一路把Ali目前所有的书都刷过来了。这3天我经历了很多。相对还是喜欢最长的三本,虽然Ali的套路太多相似性,比如大...大...和大...但是shit, I love it.然后又不可救药地继续去找其他欧美晋江了。哦微读我恨你的一键翻译(×)。
Significantly better than love on the brain. The description of the dark side of academia is very real and the love story is solid. Steamy as usual and a very good travel read.
虽然是北美晋江,但至少还是很enjoyable的。非常喜欢Ali的语言,轻松幽默又可爱,就是排比句有时候有点多…女主people pleaser没有自我,男主帮助她找回自我,这个主题吧对于30岁左右的人来说略显幼稚。喜欢Narrator的声音!总之STEM人看到了物理,社科人看到了乔姆斯基,电影爱好者看到了大卫林奇王家卫,Twilight爱好者看到满屏twilight reference…Ali真是照顾到了所有人呢(笑
读完The Love Hypothesis,立马把这本看了。。。感受是一样滴,俗套而上头。文学价值啥的,写作手法啥的,语言啥的不重要,读书就是要开心~
experimental and theoretical/情慾部分稍微有點過,但總體還算喜歡,喜歡作者詼諧的內心獨白以及時常扯上現實世界的影視社會現狀等等。人設立體。
还挺好看的,解压无脑北美晋江文学。喜欢对学术界的吐槽,academia对女性确实不友好,adjunct prof妥妥的是劳力压榨。隔壁love hypothesis的Adam和Olive还客串了一下。作者对肌肉男情有独钟。