书籍 Trust的封面


Hernan Diaz







From an award-winning chronicler of our nation’s history and its legends comes his much-anticipated novel about wealth and talent, trust and intimacy, truth and perception.

Even through the roar and effervescence of the 1920s, everyone in New York has heard of Benjamin and Helen Rask. He is a legendary Wall Street tycoon; she is the brilliant daughter of eccentric aristocrats. Together, they have risen to the very top of a world of seemingly endless wealth. But the secrets around their affluence and grandeur excites gossip. Rumors about Benjamin’s financial maneuvers and Helen’s reclusiveness start to spread—all as a decade of excess and speculation draws to an end. At what cost have they acquired their immense fortune?

This is the mystery at the center of a successful 1938 novel entitled Bonds, which all of New York seems to have read. But it isn’t the only version.

Hernan Diaz’s Trust brilliantly puts the story of these characters into conversation with other accounts—and in tension with the life and perspective of a young woman bent on disentangling fact from fiction. The result is a novel that becomes more exhilarating and profound with each new layer and revelation. Provocative and propulsive, Trust engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the reality-warping gravitational pull of money and how power often manipulates facts. An elegant, multifaceted epic that recovers the voices buried under the myths that justify our foundational inequality, Trust is a literary triumph with a beating heart and urgent stakes.

A finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the PEN/Faulkner Award, Hernan Diaz is the author of two novels translated into more than twenty languages. He is the recipient of a Whiting Award, the winner of the William Saroyan International Prize and has received a fellowship from the New York Public Library’s Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. His first novel, In th...


2022.10.02. 仅是Hernan Diaz的第二部小说,今年出版后很快就被商业(被HBO买下版权拍剧集+请凯特·温斯莱特主演)和文学奖(布克奖长名单)双双认可,可喜可贺。的确是部【结构奇巧、文笔功力深厚】的作品,本书由“四本书”构成:一本在1930年代传记式的、影射在1929年底股灾中发了大财的传奇华尔街金融家和其神秘妻子的畅销小说;一本该金融家本人写的、流水账式的半成品/草稿自传;一本于80年代末出版的、该金融家当年的私人秘书+影子写手的回忆录;以及金融家妻子的不完整私人日记。用四个完全不同的视角和文学类型,不断重述并试图还原一个故事的全貌,牵引甚至迫使读者去不停思考、辨识、摸索何为虚构、何为真相。唯一不足是第二本半成品自传写的“差”的略微刻意,但瑕不掩瑜,是本难得一见的有趣佳作。
虚构中的虚构 四个部分用四种体裁 四个视角 以上世纪20年代股灾为背景 侦探小说般节奏地还原一个金融家以及他太太的人生。无论是结构 还是文笔都上佳。金融术语用作书名和章节名让人想了又想。这才是他的第二本小说阿…
55% i can tell it's good writing ,but probably not for me. i've been expecting for something to happen that would intrigue me ,but no. gradually i just lost interest in what would happen next .maybe one day i'll pick it up again.
在2023年的钟声响起前一小时看完。Trust, as in who do you trust? 最后一个版本也许最接近真相,但大部分只是为了搭架子,读起来有些无趣。